Jake Peralta- Collapse: Part 1 (h)

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Everyone had their own things that they were interested in and their own ideas of what they wanted to do with their lives.

It wasn't always easy to figure out what exactly you wanted to do but once you had an idea, all you could do was work to get there.

Of course, it wasn't the most ideal situation when what you wanted to do was a very physical job and had always been somewhat male dominated.

You had always wanted to do something that would help people in one way or another.

Being a firefighter may not have necessarily been the safest route of helping people to go down, but it is what you wanted to do with your life.

Recently there had been cases of arson in Brooklyn so you and your team had been working relatively non-stop in order to fight the fires alongside the police who were investigating the arsons.

You got on relatively well with the officers that were conducting the investigation – Rosa was stern but clearly cared about what was happening, Jake had gotten on your good side pretty quickly and flirted with you within minutes and Terry worried like your own father when you explained the protocol for fighting a fire.

It was a very simple protocol – the majority of the team attempts to contain or ultimately extinguish the fire whilst you and your captain enter the building to scout out any remaining civilians and then evacuate them as quickly as possible.

A few moments ago, another fire had been called in, so you and your team were on route.

The building that had been set on fire was a small day care centre so a large number of children and not that many adults.

As soon as you and your team arrived, you all did what you usually did and tried your best to get as many of the children and the carers out as soon as you could.

When the police got to the scene, you were already halfway through getting people out, but the fire was raging and getting worse.

Jake grabbed you as you were about to run back inside the building. "Y/N, you can't go back in there – it looks like it's about to collapse."

You shook your head, breathing out slowly. "We've had worse fires Jake. It's all part of the job."

With those words, you nodded over at your captain before running back into the building.

The smoke overpowered you as you ran in again and you could hear some of the supports breaking but you knew there were still some children in there.

Unbeknownst to you, Jake was outside and watching the building with eagle eyes wanting you to come running back out.

He had only known you for a short period of time but in that time, he had come to care for you, so naturally seeing you running into a building that was going to collapse any minute worried him.

When you came back out, carrying two children under your arms, he breathed a sigh of relief but panicked when you fainted as soon as the children had been handed over.

Jake turned to his colleagues in surprise and worry on his face.

"Y/N!" Jake exclaimed as he ran over to you.

He pulled your oxygen mask off of you and cradled your head as gently as was possible.

"Oh, come on, I knew you shouldn't have gone in there."

You were unresponsive to Jake, and soon enough the paramedics came over to get you into the ambulance.

Jake stood up as soon as they put you onto a stretcher. "Can I come with her to the hospital?"

The paramedics glanced at each other but nodded at Jake, so he climbed into the ambulance to sit at your side.

Yes, he'd only known you for a short time, but all he wanted was for you to be okay.


Written by Hannah.

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