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I sat on the front porch of the Chateau with Pope. He played with a small inch worm that landed on his hand. We named it Fred, and I watched.

We traded off the worm to play with it until eventually John B and JJ came out of the house.
"What do you guys wanna do today?" JB asked, as I twisted my fingers to hold Fred.

"I don't know, but wherever that is, Fred is coming." Pope spoke, with seriousness in his voice.
JJ scoffed coming and sitting next to me. He lightly held my hand, and put his finger in front of the worm. I was completely swooning over him. Just his touch made my heart pound, and he knew it too.

Fred climbed onto his hand, and I scooted away from JJ.

My head sat, watching JJ hold the worm like it was so delicate. A cat slowly pulled into the lot soon after.
"JJ isn't that Sandy?" I asked, looking at a small person running towards the house from the road.

JJ stood up, quickly flicking me the worm, and walked back to his seat from before. Pretty much as far from me as possible.

The way his demeanor changed when he saw Sandy made me think about how he actually felt about her. Maybe he didn't like her all that much, and he just felt to bad to say anything. God knows she can be a bit, intense.

Truth be told, the thing that hurt the most about this situation is that I lost so much when he cheated. From my side, I lost my boyfriend,  and pretty much my whole life changed. But it seemed as though he didn't care and wasn't phased.

Sandy ran up to the house, the fakest smile plastered onto her face. I couldn't help but groan at the sight of her. JJ and JB both shot me a look.

"Hey baby!" She kissed him, leaving her eyes glued on me the whole time. I looked away, "Hi guys," She winked, biting her lip to stop the smirk from creeping out.

God I hate her.

"Hey San'." Pope smiled, calling her by the hideous new nickname he created for her. Rolling my eyes, and got up and moved over so JJ and San' could sit together without me disturbing them.

JJ sat down, and Sandy sat on top of him. The conversation went silent as it usually does when she's around, and we had to have the conversation of 'what should we do today.' I pulled out my phone and began to text with Tyler.

After the kiss, we talked about it and how it was sweet, but to soon. He apologized for making me uncomfortable and I forgave him. Not that I was angry about it. We've been hanging out a lot more recently. I really like him, but I still can't get JJ out of my head.

It's like every time I convince myself I like Tyler, JJ shows up, looks at me and I'm back to square one.

I giggled at my phone from something Tyler said. They all glanced at me, and when I looked up my eyes met with Sandy's. She rolled her eyes at me, making sure no one else saw her fake little act.

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