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This week was a breather for me. No drama, just me and the group. Of course, Sarah was there but she's making her way into my heart.

It has been a week since Rafe confessed his feelings for me, and I haven't spoken to him since. Sarah says he's in pretty bad shape. I don't know why though I don't know what he was expecting me to say in response.

Me and JJ didn't end up having sex that night, for what I thought was obvious reasons. It didn't feel right to me. I told him that I wanted it to come naturally. He was upset but he understood.

I think we both knew it had to be that way though. Planning it out would only add pressure.
We all sat in my living room watching a movie when Kiara got a call from her mom. All she said was 'Hi' and I could hear the worry in her mom's voice, soon we could hear it in Kie's too.

I looked at John B in a confused way thinking maybe he would know what was wrong. He had the same look and shrugged. He didn't know either.

"What's wrong with her?" Sarah mouthed as she glanced at Kie who stood in the hallway whispering to her mom.

"I don't know," Pope shrugged, shoving an unnecessary amount of popcorn into his mouth. Pope seemed more concerned for Kie, then confused as to what happened.

Kiara walked back into the room with a distraught look on her face.
"What's wrong?" JB asked, holding onto Sarah.

"My mom just said that The wreck is getting shut down. Apparently, it's not taking in enough money. I don't really know." Her voice almost broke.

Oh my god. That shop meant everything and more to her family. That's pretty much their only source of income. They made a bank from it, but I guess with the storm season coming business has been low.

I work at the wreck with Kie, and I had noticed that work was getting slow.

"Kie I'm sorry," JJ said trying to sympathize.

"There nothing you have to be sorry for. Seriously, I mean we'll be fine." She half smiled knowing that wasn't true.

I got up and walked over to her, seeing that she was on the edge of tears.

"Well if you or your family need anything, I'm right here, we all are. Okay?" I smiled putting my hands on her shoulder. She nodded looking to the ground pulling me into a hug.

Later that night, i'm very one had fallen asleep. However JJ's snoring kept JB and I awake, so we chatted a little. Eventually, we wanted to clear our heads and get some fresh air by going for a ride on the HMS Pogue.

"I don't know what we're gonna do about the shop dude. I mean not only did they lose their restaurant, but everyone else who works there lost their jobs. Including me. Fuck." I sighed.

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