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I scrubbed the tables down one by one. The dark windows showed the ocean and the night sky. I could only hear people in the backroom cleaning dishes and putting food away, with the light sound of music throughout the restaurant.

Kiara and Sarah came out from around the corner wearing their normal clothes while I was still in uniform.

"Tal, go to change we are leaving." Kie smiled.

"Okay just let me finish this table," I gave a small smile back. Sarah walked over and grabbed the table from my hand.
"Go. Now."

I groaned and left knowing where I had to go. I threw on my shorts and top, hanging up my apron and clocked in my time.

The whole car ride to the Chateau I was so nervous. My stomach turned and the closer we got the further away I wanted to be.

We pulled up and Kie physically dragged me out of the car.
"Kiara I can't. I'm not gonna be able to do this. I'm gonna die, No. No, I feel like I'm gonna die. Holy shit-" I rambled.

"Talia! Stop! You're fine. You're gonna walk inside and I will be with you the whole time. Pope is inside and so is John B. You're gonna be okay," She held my hand and I felt like a toddler.

"Yeah and so is JJ and his new whore." I rolled my eyes.
"Talia," Sarah shushed me.

"What. As the Ex-Girlfriend, I'm allowed to hate her,"

"But You don't even know her." Kie sighed.

"I know she fucked my boyfriend. She's a homewrecker." I looked at them both and they had on the same expression. "Ex-boyfriend."

I looked to the house feeling like I was gonna have a panic attack any second. I could jump into the ocean. Make a getaway on the boat. No. It's okay.

I took a step closer to the house until I reached the front door with Kie and Sarah to my side. I opened the front door and stepped inside. Holy shit. I stepped inside and the whole house seemed different. I immediately saw Pope and JB sitting on the couch. They saw us and gave their girlfriends a kiss and me a hug. Back to the single life I guess.

Sarah and John B sat together, practically on top of each other. I don't remember finding it so annoying. Did we used to do that? Maybe that's how the others-
Just then I heard an unfamiliar giggle.

My heart sank and I felt someone's hand grab mine. I looked over and it was John B. I grasped onto it, hard. JJ and Sandy Walked out from around the corner, laughing on top of each other. I held harder, just to stop myself from walking away.

"Hey guys," JJ smiled, his arm wrapped around hers.

"Hi," They all said eyeing this new girl. I stayed silent, refusing to look at anything but my feet that dangled off the couch.
"JJ you haven't introduced us to your new lady friend yet." John B said, trying to be polite.

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