▎ forty-six

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60 days before the competition

"Six! Seven! Eight!" Mr. Jihun raised his hand, forming a microphone around his lips.

"That's all for today Eunsol. Do your warm-ups before bed."


"Do you want a milkshake, Eunsol?"

"Han Byul!" Eunsol linked her arms to her friend.

"You can have it. You must be thirsty."

Han Byul grinned, giving Eunsol a worried look. "Are you sure?"

Eunsol nodded. They skipped towards Han Byul's car where the driver opened the door for them.

"Wanna hear my playlist Eunsol?"

"Yeah sure!"

45 days before the competition

Eunsol stretched her arms and released a yawn. She flipped the page of her textbook, trying her best not to sleep. Eunsol rested her arm on her desk with her palms supporting her head. When Eunsol's eyes became heavy, she stood up and softly slaps her face.

"You can't sleep. You have a test tomorrow..."

She said before drifting off.


"Point your toes properly."

"Fix your posture."

"Watch your finger."

Eunsol blinked twice. The young girl made sure that all Mr. Jihun's instructions were properly followed.

Holding onto the barres of the room, Eunsol felt like dozing off.

Mr. Jihun glanced at his student.

"Are you okay?"

Eunsol stood up straight. "Yes."

Mr. Jihun nodded, "Okay. Let's keep going."

30 days before the competition

"Congratulations on those who passed the test."

Seon Mi gave her test paper a glance before rolling her eyes, "I never pass Math." She mumbled.

"What about you, Eunsol?" Seon Mi peeked at Eunsol's paper.

Her eyes widened, "Since when did you fail Math?"

Eunsol's hand hovered on top of the red ink marked, fail. Her hands trembled and tears were about to escape her eyes.

"Now is not the time to cry." She reminded herself.

20 days before the competition

"Turn your legs and-"

Mr. Jihun ruffled his hair. He raised his palm, "Stop the music! Stop, stop!"

The music immediately stopped at his raging voice. Eunsol glanced at her instructor, her feet shaking.

"I'm sorry. I'll do it again-"

"You've been trying for 3 days. You can't do a pirouette and we are behind schedule."

Eunsol fiddled on her tutu skirt. What's gotten into me? I need to focus!

"I'm going to practice it."

Mr. Jihun nodded, his stare cold as ever. He gave Eunsol an encouraging look. A look that gave Eunsol goosebumps.

"You must learn the whole choreography."

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