▎ two

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I ran to Taeyong's direction and grinned widely as I sat beside him.

"What happened to you?" Doyoung sits beside me and I stopped grinning once I saw Yuta walking towards us.


"And where do I sit?" Yuta chimed, burying his hands in his pocket.

"Here, just sit in my place." I offered him my chair but Doyoung quickly stood up and offered his seat instead.

"It's okay Doyoung. I was planning on reading"

"They don't really like me around either" I whispered and Yuta chuckled.

"Good thing you know that" He mumbled so that Doyoung couldn't hear and he sat on my chair.

"Gotta go," I said

"Why are you being such a jerk towards Eunsol? Why are you always picking on her?" I could hear Doyoung's voice and I looked at him to see him glaring at Yuta.

"She's annoying" he blankly replied, making me more pissed than ever.


The library is bigger than I imagined it would be. The shelves are so tall and a variety of books is displayed in every section, one thing I know for sure is how heavenly the scent of coffees are.

I officially made a mental note to myself that I should come here after my practice for some light snacks.

And also, I found myself reading a romance comic book with my feet crossed and a smile on my face. I never thought I would have the time to read when all I do in my free time is ballet. But here I am, grinning like a child.

"Who are you choosing?" I asked, referring to the main lead who had to choose over some dude.

"I think you should choose the other man because he is so good for you. He treats you right, he gave you lots of attention" I nodded my head, agreeing with myself and weirdly thinking of Doyoung.

I was about to flip for the next page but my phone continuously rang, catching my attention.

I clicked the accept button and placed the phone against my ear.

"Mom?" I mumbled

"Honey, are you perhaps in the studio?" Mom quickly asked and I shook my head

"No, I'm in a cafe with Doyoung"

"Oh, that's great. Can you do me a favor?"

I hesitantly said yes, randomly touching some books on the shelves.

"Can you please go home and send me the folder in the master's bedroom? I am so forgetful sometimes. I need it for business collaboration with KIM Enterprises. Please?"

"Oh, okay mom. I don't mind running some errands" I shrug

"I'll get you there" Someone suddenly said and I jumped back to see Doyoung, leaning in the bookshelf with his hands in his pocket

"wait-wait! Is that Doyoung? Can I talk to him?" Mom questioned with a high-pitched squeal.

I nodded and handed Doyoung the phone, mouthing him a "My mom wants to talk to you" and he nods in agreement, he puts the phone against his ears and I leaned closer to hear what could they be talking about.

"What is she saying?" I whispered to Doyoung but he ignores me with a swift glance.

I sighed, looking at him as he nodded and nodded and smiled.

They talked some more but Doyoung was silent so my mom probably did all the talking, which made me more curious because she tends to talk too much out of habit.

"Okay Mrs. Park..." he said, flashing a smile.

"I will drive her back home. You don't have to worry. If you want-I can drive her to your company too"

I gasped silently and shook my head, waving my hand dismissively at Doyoung.

What?drive me home? And leave Taeyong and Yuta here?

No, thanks. I don't wanna give them more reasons to hate me. All they would blabber about is how I always find a way to get Doyoung away from them.

"No, just hang up...please hang up" I plead and Doyoung sighed.

"Okay, Mrs. Park. We'll be on the way" He said, finally ending the call.

"Let's get you-"

"No thanks, just stay here with your pals and have fun. I can go there alone." I smiled at him

"But I promised your mom that I'll drive you"

"Nope, I am not a kid anymore. I'll just call my driver" I patted his shoulders and skipped my way towards Yuta and Taeyong.

"I'll get going" I whispered and Taeyong looked up blankly.

"Okay," He shrugged.

"that's great~" Yuta yawned and I sighed.

"See you guys too" I waved my hands at them and walked to the counter where the girl stood.

"Hi, my name is Eunsol" I extended my hand for her.

"I think I'll be a regular here. Should we be familiar with each other?" I laughed heartily and she nodded with a smile.

"My name is Han Byul" I nodded gleefully

"So~this place is very nice" I surveyed the place and she smiled.

"Thanks, I helped design it. My parents own this cafe and I just help around whenever I can"

"that's great..."

We both took our time talking about random things that grew us closer every minute. We talked about the weather, about her business, about our business and other stuff. Han Byul is very friendly, she has a younger sibling and she makes the best coffee.

"You just need to ask the customer's desirable ratio of cream, sugar, and all those basic things." I nodded while Han Byul gave me a few coffee lessons because I suck at making one.

"Ooh~" I stared at the newly made coffee and took a sip.

"it's delicious" I nodded my head.

"thanks. I'll be honored to teach you some more. Maybe I can teach you how to bake cakes. What's your favorite flavor?"

I replied "strawberry mousse cake is one of my top favorites"

Her eyes twinkled "Tell me all of it and I will bake it all for you"

I clapped my hands "Whooh~that's great! I'll look forward to it!"

My eyes darted to the clock and I gasped.

"Oh no, I have to go" I straightened my shirt and waved at her.

"I'll see you soon!" I shouted once I exited the door.

"I will remember my cake!"

"No problem!" she replied and I laughed.

I just made a new friend!

I stood outside the area and after a few minutes, a familiar car pulled over and I hopped in it with a smile on my face.

I looked at the cafe again and I saw Doyoung waving at me from the inside. Somehow I could read his lips saying "See you tomorrow?"

I nodded "Yup"

We looked at each other until the car started its engine and I moved further away.

Thanks for reading🌼

NA YUTA 。feelingsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat