▎ thirty-nine

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My mother fumbled around the door, growing impatient as the door didn't budge. "This is getting annoying!" She hissed.

However, I wasn't sure if she was still talking about the door. Ever since I spoke about the school I wanted to continue my ballet lessons with. She remained silent all the way home. 

"Repeat what you said," Mother sat in the couch. She crossed her arms then her feet.

I forced my eyes opened and were ready to get a scolding.

"Eunsol, do it." Mother sternly said as she examined the brochure and raised her eyebrow.

"I want to try this new school and-"

"We talked about this didn't we?" Mother raised her eyebrow.

"You can go to a Royal ballet academy and get your own teacher but instead, you want to try this isolated school?" Mother threw the brochure on the mini- table and chuckled.

"I'll give you some time to think."

She shook her head before leaving me alone.

In this spacious living room, I looked at the white concrete wall. I have everything. Food? I can have that in seconds if I ever want. Clothes? Yes, even a walk-in closet. I have everything and it's overwhelming.

I must be going crazy right? I have the fortune to pick a prestigious school but here I am, selecting a low budget one.

For all I know, she's just fearful that the school wouldn't teach me compared to the high-class ones. I'm sure she's just concern. After all, we can afford the expenses.

I want to explore my chances for the competition. Anyone who has money to afford anything would always pick all the high- valued schools.  But is it bad that I want to try this low- valued one?

It became such a dilemma that I asked my friends for their advice.

"I don't get it," Hari admitted. She opened the chips that Winwin brought for her and ate it.

"Your mom is right." Winwin goes on, also munching on his own snack.

"I don't see why you made that kind of decision." He said.

"Why would you transfer to a school that's so lowkey."

I scrunched my nose. "I want to help the school."

And because there's this energy that I feel every time I see it. Like its not a coincidence that I crossed paths with it. Like discovering it was on purpose. Like I'm meant to be in that place. But I will never say that out loud.

Hari rolled her eyes playfully, "Are you sure that's the only reason?"

I hesitantly nodded. Jungwoo also gave me a weird glance. "Eunsol, my little boo, that school probably doesn't have any students anymore. Are you sure it's not abandoned?" Jungwoo joked.

"They still accept students. I'm sure nowadays are one of their desperate moments." I replied seriously.

No one questioned me after that. They saw how determined I was to be in that school and decided to respect my decision. 

The bell rang, signaling that break time is over. Hari and the others who didn't belong in our class left. I fixed my uniform and then just in time, Yuta entered the classroom.

"Yuta!" I raised my hand, instantly catching his attention. Our eyes locked and I notice him physically gulped before ignoring me.

I jolted out of my seat and Haechan looked at me. "Noona, class is starting soon." he reminded.

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