▎ thirty-seven

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"I just feel like shit, you know?" Taeyong said, staring at the bottle of soda in the dirty table of the convenience store. When the latter did not hear a response, he glanced at Yuta. "Bro?" he asked, also looking at where Yuta's eyes were fixed on.

"Here's your payment asshole."

Taeyong scrunched his eyebrows at the fowl words the man has addressed the taxi driver.

"That's kinda mean. Do you want to stop them?" Taeyong asked Yuta. Taeyong was mad at the Japanese for ignoring his complains earlier but that isn't important right now.

The korean male was talking about a specific girl who made him confused and then here's Yuta, looking at the scene in front of him like it was worth giving more attention than his best friend.

Yuta ignored the male again which made him puff angrily. "What the fuck, Yuta?" Taeyong asked.

This time, Yuta looked at the Korean guy and opened his mouth to speak but closed them again.

"What?" Taeyong raised his eyebrow.

"Do you see that girl?"

A groan was Taeyong's response. "I've been talking about my problems and you're asking me who's the girl inside the damn cab-"

Yuta lifted his best friend's chin and made him squint his eyes. "Look at the girl." The Japanese sternly said.

Taeyong sighed and did what he was tasked to do.

"Oh hell no." Taeyong covered his mouth.

That's not who he thinks so, right?

"Is that. . ."

Yuta nodded hesitantly, "I think so."

"Dude, we have to-"

Yuta stood up from his seat which made Taeyong stop. 

"I'll go on my own." 

Taeyong chuckled darkly. "You can just call the police. No need to act so heroic."

But Yuta ignored him and was already on the way to the taxi.

"I bet you'll end up regretting this." he whispered.

And as the Korean guy had said, Yuta did end up regretting something. But not because he stepped out to save Eunsol. It was because he wasn't there when the girl needed someone. He regretted not hurting a finger on that pervert's body. Yuta was mad.

He came too late. He regretted coming late.

"Go. I'll take care of this mess." Taeyong patted the japanese's shoulder after the officers had asked Yuta's name.

"Take your Eunsol to the hospital." 

Yuta laughed. He didn't mind hearing the word your Eunsol. In fact, he liked it.

The Japanese mouthed him a thank you before rushing Eunsol to the hospital. His Eunsol.


"I can't come." Eunsol's mother said over the phone. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She said, covering her sobs. "I have to do something important in the office. I can't come there today."

Yuta stared at the nurse while she explained what Eunsol's mother had spoken from the phone.

He listened to her explain how Mrs. Park couldn't leave her company even though Eunsol was unconscious. And Yuta did not like that.

"What?! You're crashing here?" Taeyong gasped, making Yuta whack his head to make him shut up. Taeyong immediately followed to the hospital after fixing the situation earlier and what he got was an unexpected decision.

NA YUTA 。feelingsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt