▎ fifty- six

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It has been two days since Eunsol and her friends' beach house getaway. Yuta had gotten over the meddling incident. Simply because he had owed it to his friends anyway. After all, that elevator scene is a unique way to confess. Looking back, perhaps Eunsol can even find it romantic. The end of the short vacation has been a calm and smooth farewell. They swore to see each other through the summer. Everyone had different plans. As far as everyone knows, Han Byul and Doyoung had a plan to have dinner with their families together the day they arrive back in Seoul. They were quite expressive of their excitement. On the other hand, Eunsol decided to visit her grandparents in their house in the countryside. Her mother was on a business trip anyways. Spending time alone is not her idea of good summer vacation.

As busy as Eunsol was packing, Yuta and her didn't waste a second calling each other when they had a chance. She learned that Yuta was currently in Ulleungdo with his father. Yuta figured that it wasn't a bad idea to help his father in the business over the summer. It's quite funny...how Yuta and Eunsol didn't have anything to talk about at all.

But these days, it's like they know each other all their lives.

Eunsol found herself wondering how they could've saved each other from a few misfortunes if they just met when they were younger.

She smiled, wondering what a young Yuta looked like.

One long honk from a car in front of the house snapped her from her thoughts. The ravenette girl grabbed her belongings and headed out.

It wasn't long before Eunsol arrived at her destination.

She drags the luggage against the gravel road, simultaneously pulling a handbag back into her arms. She arrives in the doorway of the very familiar house. Eunsol turns her head around, observing the place. As she breathed in the clean air, a smile lingered on her face. She looked up to see the 3rd floor French Country-inspired house: with a high-length window adorned with a classic modern pattern; an ancient-looking door with sophisticated wooden carvings; a stunning front lawn with a fountain; and a flowerbox filled with colorful tulips. And the best of the nostalgic view in front of her was the smiling faces of the people she haven't seen in a long time.

"Grandpa! Grandma!" Eunsol abandoned her bags carefully onto the ground and ran towards them.

Her grandma Charlotte Kim was a chef who worked in a famous restaurant in France. Now a retired 81-year-old, Charlotte bought land in the peaceful province and spend her days with her husband, 82-year-old, Jihoon. Charlotte had thick shiny hair in her youth but has turned to a glistening white as she aged. Still, it did not stop her from looking young. She wore a floral dress that stopped on her knees paired with a pearly white sandal. Her grandma did not change at all. She greets every single day with her dazzling outfits. Her grandma consistently dresses up. Her looks are still youthful, her eyes blazing with affection. As usual, she always loved wearing jewelry. From the number of collections she has, ranging from rare to limited editions, Eunsol was not surprised that she could not recognize the necklace and earrings she wore.

Her Grandpa, Jihoon is- and will always be taller than her grandma. His hair is pushed back, every hair was white. He wore a white shirt paired with gray joggers. He is still the same as well. Eunsol can only imagine her grandma raising her eyebrow at his way of clothing, but merely shrugging, since deep inside, she always finds her husband adorable. No matter how different he dressed. No matter how many times she tries to convince him to dress appropriately.

They immediately accept her in their arms, Charlotte released their granddaughter in her hug, tucking a stray strand behind her ear. "C'est bon de te voir, ma chérie."

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