Neville Longbottom

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After a long day of classes I sat on the bleachers of the trophy room, the goblet of fire smack in the middle of a large crown of students. "Good luck Ced" I said giving Cedric a slight, awkward hug. "Thanks y/n" Cedric said before walking down the bleachers to join his group of friends.

Some slytherin put his cup in the goblet first, then another, then finally Ced. "GO CEDRIC" I yelled amazed at how I said more then one word out loud in front of a crowd. "W-wow y/n t-that's the loudest I've ever heard you t-talk" Neville said, walking up next to me. My stomach dropped, Neville is a very nice person, but I feel unworthy of his kindness. 


My mother, Bellatrix Lestrange. 

She used the cruciatus curse on Nevilles parents

Made their brains all wonky

I thank god that I wasn't raised by her, and instead was raised by my "father" Horace Slughorn. My mother is the reason Neville never got proper parents, didn't have a proper childhood, and she is the very reason that instead of having parents who recognize and love him. They barely recognize him as their son, they can barely talk.

All because of the lousy person that is my mother, Bellatrix Lestrange.

My eyes swell up as I say "Oh, well I guess I'm just a shy person" my throat feels dry, I need water. "Excuse me" I say to Neville as I walk, well more like run out of the room. 

I fall in the great courtyard, crying, sobbing even. Neville never deserved this, and I surely don't deserve the kindness Neville has shown to me the few times we've talked. 

I sat on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. If only my mother wasn't Bellatrix, if only Neville wasn't such an amazing person.

I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. I've never cried like this before, yes I was very upset about what Bellatrix did to Nevilles parents but I've never cried this hard about it.

"Bloody hell y/n" Ron said as he and Harry approached me, "Are you okay?" I stifled in my cries, thanking god (once again) that it was dark enough that they couldn't see that tears were still running out of my eyes. "Oh yes Ron, I'm fine" I said, realizing how unconvincing that sounded considering how shaky my voice was. "Are you sure y/n? You don't look very fine to me" "I said that I'm fine." I said adding a bit of shaky sternness in my voice. "Well okay then." Harry said, obviously unconvinced. "Do you want to go get some water?" Ron asked while Harry grabbed my hand and raised me up. "Okay, sure" I said actually feeling parched.

We walked to the kitchen to ask the house elves for a cup of water when Neville approached us, "Hey y/n, a-are you feeling b-better?" Neville said, with some obvious worry in his voice. He obviously was able to figure out that I didn't walk out of the room like that just for some water.

"Yes, Neville" I said giving him my most friendliest smile.

"We're just going to get some water from the house elves" Harry said "Would you like to come with us?" "O-oh um sure" Neville said, obviously over-joyed by this invitation.

"Brilliant!" Harry said as we continued to walk towards the kitchens

"Wow who knew that getting water involved 4 people" I muttered to myself, slightly laughing. "What was that?" Ron said turning towards me. My face started burning as I said "Oh, nothing" 

Neville started laughing as Harry and Ron looked at him, confused as to why. I knew why, he heard what I said. I started laughing too, and before we knew it we were both laughing so hard and uncontrollably that we started hiccuping  and our stomachs started  hurting.

"Bloody Hell" Harry and Ron said, suddenly starting to laugh along with us, not because they heard what I said. But because our laughing was drawing tears from our eyes, and I don't know how to explain it. 

But in that one moment

I noticed how tall Neville was

How... nice? Nevilles face looked

What the hell is going on

Even though I'm pretty sure no one is gonna end up reading this story, I still find it very entertaining to write.

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