Epilogue - Of Darkness and Light

Start from the beginning

And it was a family that extended beyond Escarral to Dalcaine, then even further to Ethran, and even across the Wilds, through the portal, and across the vineyards and olive groves into the sparkling city of Arloerin. 

Not only was Cleo welcomed whole-heartedly into the fold of their family, but she also established a diplomatic relationship with all three lands.  Trade was a huge part of this, but it was the friendships she created and continued to foster every time she made a trip to see everyone. 

On the first trip back, Cleo was entrusted with the obsidian stone vessel.  Lyv silently handed it back to her before she and Renna left, holding it between their hands.  Cleo stared before meeting Lyv's eyes. 

"You want me to take it back to Veres," she said without even having to ask.

Lyv nodded, a knowing smile on her lips.  "Sure, we didn't use it now...but someone told me how important it would be in the future.  A future that now has you in it.  So, take it back to Veres, protect it from anyone who seeks it out.  And while you have this, we're going to separate the lock and key.  Because while you have the vessel, the grimoire will stay here and will be guarded by an Archivist in Palrion who was entrusted with it before."

And on that second trip after going back to Arloerin, she brought her grandmother Renna with her, who finally got to be reunited with Bridget and Alberich after so long.  

A friendship that was particularly difficult for Cleo was still the splintered one between her and Crown Prince Malik of Krahzara.  Even after they returned to their own world of Laria, Malik decided to stay just a few more days in Arloerin, much to the chagrin of Cleo.  He and Urell had become close confidants, which didn't help, and she usually found them either drinking, training, or talking together.  If anything, he didn't want to seem to leave.

And neither did Kav, who had been staying at the palace with Janan while they'd gone to Escarral.  Cleo tried her very best not to even acknowledge the boy, even as she watched him from afar playing around the palace gardens with Janan and her leopard familiar, Shamira.  Kav spotted her even from the balcony of her office and smiled brightly, waving at her. 

Cleo waved back before she even knew what she was doing. 

"He's enjoyed his time here, you know," Malik said as he quietly stepped up to the railing at her side.  "Thank you for letting him stay while we were gone.  You know, he's come to love Arloerin just as I do."

"There's no need to thank me," she told him after a few moments of silence as they both watched him run around with Shamira close behind him.  Cleo turned to him, watching the sunlight bring out the golden tones in his dark hair.  "I...I am the one who should be thanking you, Malik."

He shook his head, trying to silence her.  "You know you don't have to..."

"But I do.  You came back when I asked, when I practically begged for your help.  You were almost home and yet you came back."

"Of course, I did," he told her, smiling slightly.  "You're one of my best friends, Cleo, no matter what we've done or said in the past.  You will always be that to me.  Always."

Friend.  Even after everything his mother had done to her, everything she'd taken from Cleo...it was none of Malik's doing.  She understood that.  Of course, his compliance with his mother's schemes to take over Arloerin still made her heart twinge, but she wouldn't be in the same place she was now if it hadn't happened. 

And somehow, Cleo found herself stepping forward to hug him tight.  "Thank you," she whispered. 

Malik nodded against her hair, then hesitated before he said what he did next.  "You know...Adeena has to be extremely proud of you for everything you've accomplished.  I don't think I've ever told you that before, but you know she is.  And she would want to be here with you to experience everything.  I'm sorry.  I'm so sorry she was taken away from you, Cleo, but just know I would give her back to you if I had the chance."

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