Chapter Seventeen: Secrets Are Out!

Start from the beginning

I feel like shit.

"Love?" I hear a familiar voice say. I slowly turn to see Five holding my hand.

"Five? What happened? Where's Allison?" I ask remembering what happened to her.

"She's right there," I see Klaus point to the bed next to me. I see a patched up Allison and Luther was sitting next to her.

I look around to see Diego, Mom, and Pogo standing and looking at me in worry. I try to sit up, but feel my stitch began to heart.

"Easy," Five said as he helped me sit up.

"How many stitches did I get?" I ask rubbing my side.

"Four," Mom answered.

I notice a small TV on a coffee table between Mom and Pogo. "What's with the TV?" I ask.

"There's something Pogo and Mom need to tell us," Five replied.

Pogo and Mom sighed. Mom turned to Pogo.

"Well, Miss Jade. You have.... You have a fourth power," Pogo informed, I only stared at him.

"I what?" I asked.

"You have the power to shape anything made of glass and also control and manipulate it," Pogo sighed.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. A million questions filled my head. I have a fourth power?! Why can't I remember having it? How come they knew and I didn't? How long have I had this power?

"How come I don't remember it?" I ask.

They both sighed again.

"It was your father," Pogo answered. I scoffed. Of course it had to be him. IT'S ALWAYS HIM. I closed my eyes in anger. Five held my hand for comfort. It worked, kinda.

"Why'd he do it?" I ask trying to keep my anger down.

"Let us show you," Pogo turned to Mom turned pressed a button on the TV and it showed Dad and me. I looked about four.

"Number Eight, today we will focus on your glass ability," Reginald explained as the four-year-old Eight nodded.

"I need you to create a glass diamond," Reginald instructed.

Eight put her two hands and closed her eyes. She opened them to reveal glowing magenta eyes. A glass diamond formed above he hands.

Reginald nodded as he wrote in his journal. "Now, create a glass flower."

Doing the same actions, a glass flower was formed above her hands. Reginald wrote in his journal, again. He closed his journal and looked at Eight.

"Number Eight, today we will do something a little different today. If you would turn around, you will see targets," Reginald used his pencil to point at the targets behind her. Eight turned around and looked at them in confusion.

"I need you create glass arrows and hit the targets," He explained.

Eight felt a little nervous, she only used her glass power to make objects, not weapons.

She took a deep breath before putting he hands out and closed her eyes.

She tried to make glass arrows, but she couldn't, show tried and tried again, but failed each time.

"I can't," Eight put her head and hands down.

"Giving up won't do anything for you, Number Eight. Again!" He shouted.

She sighed as she tried again, but failed. She tried more, but still became a big fail.

"Dad, I can't! I just can't!" Eight covered her eyes, trying her best not to cry.

Reginald sighed before an idea popped in his head.

"Very well, then, Number Eight. I guess you're going to show everyone what a big failure you are. That you can't do a simple task. Even when you go on your missions and you're going to have to do this same thing, but don't because you give up. Letting your siblings down and possibly get them killed," Reginald said coldly.

"Dad, stop," Eight pleaded as she put her hands on her head.

"You let the whole world down, because you give up so easily. If you don't like what I'm saying, then prove me wrong! Unless, you want to be a big failure!" Reginald shouted.

"I don't want to hear anymore!" She shouted.

"You are just a big failure with no potential!" Reginald continued.

"I said STOP!" Eight screamed as glass shards were formed above Eight and hit all the targets. One was formed and was about to hit Eight, but right being it hit her, it stopped.

And Number Eight fainted on the floor.

Reginald was in shocked, but then sighed.

I had no idea how to feel. Dad took away my glass power because, I created glass shards instead of arrows? God, that man was so dramatic.

"How did a exactly forget my glass ability and what caused me to not use them?" I asked, needing more information.

"Master Hargreeves had a machine that caused you to forget your powers. We were only going to remind you of your three powers. But, it did cause you pain while we were doing it. It was very-- very hard to watch. We were lucky your siblings didn't hear your screams. After we finished, you had passed out and Master Hargreeves ordered Grace to put a small tech, that would stop you from using your glass power only. You've had the stitch ever since. Until, now..." Pogo explained.

I sighed before getting off the bed and walking away, ignoring the agonizing pain as I walked.

"Eight, where are you going?" Five asked as he followed me.

"I just need some air," I say as I continue to walk away.

"But, you need rest," Five tried to stop me.

I close my eyes in annoyance as I hear a shard hit a wall. I heard Five gasp a little. I turned around with my eyes glowing magenta.

"I'm fine, Five, really, I am. I just need to be alone for little while," I say before disappearing and reappearing on the roof.

I sighed in so much emotions. Not knowing what to feel. Now, I really know how Vanya feels about actually having powers after being told she didn't. Why Dad? Why?!

I scream as glass shards were created everywhere and shatter.

I put my hands on my face and sob. I clutch my hands and let my fingers sink in my skin. Wanting to feel all the pain.

"Dad, you bastard! Hope you rot in hell!"

(Count Word: 1,510)

Wow, I honestly feel bad for Eight and Vanya. Being lied to like that and for that long.

Thanks again for taking your time to read my story! As always...


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