Chapter 16

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in which she feels bad for harry

"You're lying." Sirius snarled, jaw clenched as he stared down at the slightly shorter man. "I don't have any children."

Snape didn't show any emotion on his face as he harshly grabbed Sirius's upper arm. "You know it is true. You've seen her face. She looks just like you...except her eyes."

Sirius looked about two seconds away from punching Snape, and I decided to step in at that moment.

"H-hey guys, what's going on?" I asked as I stepped out from the shadows, Snape's lip curled slightly as I did.

"See for yourself, Black." He said, and with a whirl of his cloak he was off, striding quickly towards the door.

Sirius slumped against the wall, avoiding looking at me as I walked a bit closer. "Sirius...what happened?" I asked, because even though I had seen what had happened, I didn't really understand anything. It would be kind of cool if Sirius was my dad, but that's like...impossible. Bro is dead the year I'm born.

"Sniv-Snape just told me a rather shocking bit of information." He murmured and I hesitated before continuing.

"" His head snapped up so quickly I swore I heard his neck crack.

"So you heard." He sounded defeated and I swallowed.

"Uh...yeah. All of it."

"Then you know that...he thinks you're my..." he didn't seem able to say the words. I didn't push him. He looked up, staring at me and I fidgeted where I stood.

"Er...yeah. I heard that too. D-do you believe him?" I asked quietly, and he shrugged.

"I don't know what to believe these days." After a few seconds of silence, he gave me a tired smile. "Why don't you head on up to bed, huh? It's late and I'm pretty sure that two sips of coffee does nothing to keep one awake."

"Well, you're not wrong." I laughed, glad that the previously somber air was now gone. "I do feel kinda tired now that you mention it."

He patted my back, turning me towards the stairs. "Up you go then." He said, preparing to head back into the kitchen.

"Goodnight, Sirius." I called as I made my way up to the bedroom Emma and I shared. This was going to be awkward, just like it was every night.

Something I wasn't aware of at the time though, was that Sirius's eyes lingered on me for a second longer after I had disappeared up the stairs.

Those eyes reminded him an awful lot of....someone that he used to know. But it wasn't himself.

"Iʹve ironed your best clothes for tomorrow morning, Harry, and I want you to wash your hair tonight, too. A good first impression can work wonders."

All that had heard Mrs. Weasley had ceased their movement, and I sighed inwardly, knowing this was about to be awkward.

"How am I getting there?" Harry asked Mrs. Weasley, sounding almost uninterested, but I could hear the underlying tone of concern.

"Arthur's taking you to work with him." Mrs. Weasley said, sounding gentle.

Mr Weasley smiled encouragingly at Harry across the table. "You can wait in my office until itʹs time for the hearing." he said.

Harry looked over at Sirius, but before he could ask the question, Mrs Weasley had answered it. "Professor Dumbledore doesnʹt think itʹs a good idea for Sirius to go with you, and I must say I ‐"

"‐ think heʹs quite right." said Sirius through clenched teeth.

Mrs Weasley pursed her lips.

"When did Dumbledore tell you that?" Harry said, staring at Sirius.

"He came last night, when you were in bed." said Mr Weasley, shooting a quick glance at me, and I ducked my head down, trying to look very interested in my potatoes.

Harry lowered his head to look at his plate, and I suddenly felt a wave of pity wash over me for the boy. Dumbledore hadn't even thought to ask how Harry was doing when he was there last night. Not a very nice move. Yeah, because Dumbledore doesn't need any hoes.

The next morning I woke up early. I don't know why, but as I crept up and spotted the clock I groaned as I saw the clock.

It was seven!?

My eyes snapped open and I practically flew down the stairs, crashing into Sirius, who was leaving the kitchen.

"Harry! Hearing-changed time-eight o'clock-courtroom ten!" I gasped, looking up at him.

"Slow down Blair, repeat that please?" He asked, looking alarmed.

"Harry's hearing time was changed to eight! In courtroom ten!" Sirius flew into action, quickly telling Mrs. Weasley to send an owl to Mr. Weasley. The redhaired woman looked outraged at what Sirius said, and as she pulled out a piece of parchment I could hear her mumbling beratments under her breath.

"Thank you Blair dear, who knows what could have happened if you hadn't told us." I smiled half heartedly and yawned, remembering what time it was.

"It's just a good thing that I woke up at this time, it completely slipped my mind last night." I admittedly guiltily, but she patted my shoulder with a smile.

"It's better now than later."

"And Blair, Beelzebub is over on the table if you need him." I glanced up at Sirius, and then to the table to where the banana colored snake was resting.

"Dumb snake. I thought you had found a lady snake and started a family." I grumbled as I picked him up, letting him rest on my neck how he usually did.

"Nope. I did however, fffind a niccce moussse nessst that will be my sssourccce offf fffood fffor until we go to your magic ssschool." He explained, curling around the back of my neck contently.

"Aw, I missed you too, you big baby." I cooed, patting his head gently. "Now, I have some tea I need to spill with you..."

"Why are you spilling tea? Is it not good?" Sirius asked, frowning at me. I laughed.

"No, it's just a figure of speech we have back in twenty twenty. It's basically saying that you have some sort of gossip."

Sirius sighed. "I don't think I'll ever get used to the way you talk."

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