Chapter XXXII

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She did not know what was going to happen. She did not know how long they'll be stuck. She did not know why this was happening.

But she knew one thing.

Saranya knew one thing.

She knew what she was supposed to do if they were given another chance at life.

She knew that despite her not valuing her life, there was someone who does.

Saranya didn't find any importance in her life but she knew someone who's life is important. She herself valued it more than hers.

So she was sure what's she's going to do. She's been begging for it since she experienced the out in someone else's body experience.

"Do you think we can maybe talk... As in really converse with eachother while we're... You know not stuck in a void?" Namjoon had suddenly asked.

She smiled softly, "Sure. We can even talk on phone or do a video call. You know since our mind link misses somethings and the connection is shifty."

He laughed heartily thinking that she was finally thinking about not giving up on life. He was happy to see that she was so positive about their possible future together.

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