Chapter 2

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I don't own any of these characters or whatever

All characters are based on the Avatar: The Last Airbender nickelodeon series


Pov : Zuko

The next morning while packing Iroh comes in my room along with Xiu. Xiu is carrying a packed bag, a letter and a large rectangular box that could've only come from one person... Mai.

"Prince Zuko, Xiu has decided to join us on our journey." Iroh states

"I also come bearing a response and package from Lady Mai"

"Thank you Xiu, You have been a loyal companion to my uncle and I for as long as I've known you and beyond. I'm grateful for your support."

"The honour is all mine Prince Zuko. throughout this journey I will be able to give and receive letters from my brother and I hope you could take advantage of my family's messenger hawk to send correspondence to certain companions in the caldera"

"That is a most generous offer, I feel I cannot repay this debt of gratitude that you have given me in my darkest moment"

"Worry not, Prince Zuko, the Lady Mai has already repaid my family in a way my brother and I never saw coming. Your letter and package please"

"Yes yes, please give me a moment to open them in privacy"

"Of course, Prince Zuko"

Pov : 3rd person

At the same time Zuko was opening his gift Mai was opening hers they were both shocked at what they found. Zuko found dual broadswords made by Piandao, with a note that read;

In your arms you hold me tight,

Never letting go through the night.

All my dreams are peaceful because of you,

Holding me in your arms like you do.

At the sight of Mai's gift she gasped, then almost laughed, they knew each other so well it was comical. In her box Mai held throwing knives handmade by Piandao, with her own note that read;

When you're sad and depressed,

I will be here to put a smile on your face.

When you're angry and frustrated,

I will be here to calm you down.

When you're lonely and have no one,

I will be here to comfort you.

When you're feeling unloved and unwanted,

I will be here to tell you how very important you are.

When you're having a bad day and need to lash out,

I will be here to let off steam.

And though my body isn't near

My heart will always be with you

In that moment Zuko and Mai shed a single tear for the love they shared that's future is uncertain.


It's almost sunset, Zuko and his crew are boarding the ship and packing their bags. It wasn't the ship they were expecting but they would make do with what they had for the right cause. Xiu was boarding with his messenger hawk on his arm, uncle Iroh was getting comfortable looking over the horizon Zuko was doing the same though not as relaxed as Iroh. Until Iroh heard soft pads of feet quickly moving towards them, Iroh jerked his head thinking it was an attack, Zuko seeing this turned as well only to see... Mai. She walked to Zuko slowly each step with more emotion than she's ever expressed on her face.

"Zuko I-" she starts

"It's okay Mai there's nothing any of us could've done. It's my fault" he cuts off

"Zuko, you did nothing wrong. I love you Zuko always know that" she says

"I know Mai I love you too. I'll be back, I know it" Zuko reassured

Leaning towards each other they give one last kiss before Mai leaves the ship hiding herself in the shadows while watching him depart.


Pov : Mai

For the first time I'm seriously questioning the Fire Lord, how cruel does somebody have to be where torturing and banishing your own son can be done so calmly? If this is the best of what our people have to offer how are we 'spreading our greatness'? Is this war even worth it? What are we even fighting for?

I don't know the answer to any of these questions but I know one thing for sure if anybody finds out about these thoughts my future would look awfully dead.


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