Chapter 5

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POV: Mai

After receiving the letters I read through them all whilst still in the sitting room. The things he's saying about himself aren't true and I would wait day in and day out until the end of days if it meant I could see him again. With this in mind I know what I must do. I head to my room and prepare my writing utensils; my ink, my brush, my paper and two drawings, one of me and one of Zuko. My image was drawn under a week ago and I plan to send it along with the letter. Once everything is in place I begin writing

Dear beloved, 

The mere thought of giving up hope for you is worse than giving up the air in my lungs, too painful to even suggest. The thought of losing you is more frightening than seeing the sun set but never rise again. The mention of giving up makes me so unstable it feels like there is no ground beneath me feet, just endless falling. I'd rather give up the water in my blood than ever be without you again. Without you in my life I would have no passion because all my passion lies with you.

Even when you're halfway across the world I love you. Even when I haven't heard from you in weeks I love you, because you see me for who I truly am and you have the ability to appreciate it. You understand how deeply I feel all my emotions, how much I yearn to be free, to learn more, to explore without boundaries or purpose but to simply enjoy the moment, and you care. you care so deeply about everything you do because you love deeply everyone you are close to. You have grown as have I but I know for certain the boy with whom I fell in love is still inside you. Us having grown will only give us a new part of ourselves to explore. 

You are dumb and stubborn and you never think things through but you would sooner give up your birthright than let your people and those you love be hurt. At some point you need to realize there is good and evil in everybody and a lot of people are more evil than good. It will not do you any good to trust that the people in power always have the best intentions. wether or not an action is justified you need to decide for yourself. You need to ask yourself the question; for what possible reason could decimating the southern water tribe be beneficial to the fire nation and its citizens. Since the capture of the last water bender under Azulon reign what resources have we brought to them? what have we taken from them? and how many of our people died for the Firelord to have control over that block of ice that is a nation? I cannot simply tell you the answers for then you will never truly understand. When it comes to what is right or wrong, honourable or dishonourable, that should be decided through your own judgments and opinions. Don't let other people tell you how to feel.




Once I set the letter out to dry I compose myself and head down to Piandao's study. I knock on his door and am greeted by Fat;

"Hello Fat, may I speak with Piandao."

"Of course Lady Mai, I will leave you two too your discussions"

"Very well, come in Mai" Piandao said with a waving hand motion

I sit in the chair in front of his desk and begin to speak

"I hav-

"You should-

we both say at the same time.

"You go first Mai."

"Thank you, I have decided to go back to the capital city to my family."

"I guess we both had the same idea then" he said with a slight chuckle

"When should you be leaving?" he continues

"The day after the yuyan archer leaves, I'd like to practice a bit more before I leave and I'm in no rush."

"Good, and based on your more relaxed nature I assume the letter you received held good news"

I didn't even realize I was relaxing in the chair, I need to drill myself on propriety before I leave as well.

"News good enough" I say remembering his letters of doubt.

"We must try to be happy with what we have"

"Only if what we have can make us happy" I retort

"I'll miss your wit but it's all for the best, I'll have a gift ready for you by your parting day, I'll even invite some of my old students in the area and we'll have one last party before you head back to a life of dull sophistication"

"That would be much appreciated Piandao, I'm sure I'll have a fun time beating everyone of them again if only to prove that I have been your best student" I say with an air of joking sarcasm which he chuckles too.

Once the joking mood has died down the room start to feel serious.

"Stay safe,"

"I will"

"write to me,"

"I will"

"and be strong."

"I already am"

"I know you are"

"Thank you Master Piandao" I say in a whisper. 

"It was my pleasure to see such an amazing girl realize her potential"

"I still have a long ways to go"

"I don't doubt it, but I don't doubt that if you really tried to you could even beat me"

"That has to be the greatest compliment I've ever received, I didn't think you'd ever be willing to admit it"

"More than that, on the day of the party before everybody, my students, your peers, and other masters alike; we will fight, and you will win."


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