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I don't own any of these characters or whatever

All characters are based on the Avatar: The Last Airbender nickelodeon series


Pov: Mai

9 yrs old

I'm hanging out with Ty Lee and Azula in the royal garden, and while being here is a good way to be entertained I can't bring myself to play like Ty Lee and Azula pushing her down reminds me why. I didn't really want to be friends with Azula because she's really scary, but once my mother heard that the princess had taken interest in me I was practically forced to hang out with her. But hanging out with Azula does have some upsides. As I see Zuko walking along the path with his mother, once we make eye contact I can't help but blush. I know it's dangerous to be like this in front of my friends, they'll tease me about this endlessly and I just know they'd do something crazy. Knowing that I'm still a little stunned at what they planned. Zuko comes over, to start playing a game and Ty Lee makes me get up. When I see Azula get the apple I'm a little confused, and I'm even more stunned when she puts the apple on my head and LIGHTS IT ON FIRE. I can't move for a second and the next Zuko is pushing me into the fountain.

"Haha see I told you it would work" I hear Azula laugh

"They're so cute together" Ty Lee says

" You two are such... UGH!" I said I couldn't bring myself to finish that statement.

By that time Zuko was already stomping away and working really hard to not let out how angry I am.

"Oh relax Mai, you can go clean up inside" Azula said

"Okay" I say with a slight edge in my tone

As I'm walking inside I see Zuko's mom again and she sees me.

"Oh darling what happened, first Zuko and now you. Did you both fall in the fountain?" she asks.

"Kinda, Azula wanted to get us together so she pulled a prank on us. Is there anywhere I can clean myself up?" I say.

"Of course dear, wouldn't want you to get a cold now would we?" she says as she guides me inside.

She leads me to the nearest spare bathroom and leaves to give me some added privacy. As soon as the door closes I turn around and see Zuko cleaning himself off. Once he sees me he gets defensive.

"What are you doing here? Did Azula put you up to this to start spreading rumours?" he says getting angrier.

I don't know how to react so I quickly compose myself and think of an appropriate answer.

"I'm sorry Zuko, I didn't know that you were in here and I didn't know what Azula was going to do. Trust me I was just as shocked as you were. Thanks for putting the fire out, I was so stunned I could barely move" the entire time I'm trying hard not to blush and to conceal my face from him. He walks towards me and says "Azula is so mean I don't knowwhy you hang out with her, you seem so cool". At this point I can't hide it anymore and I see Zuko blushing a little too, he looks flustered "Y-you look pretty when you blush N-not that you're not pretty when you aren't blushing but umm... yeah, you're really pretty." he continues and I feel my heart flutter. "T-thanks Zuko I think you look pretty too I MEAN handsome, I mean uhh yeah, I think you're handsome". At this point we're both acting weird and I feel relieved when Zuko suggests finally getting cleaned up together. We keep on staring at each other as we're cleaning up and we can't help but giggle. As I'm about to leave Zuko asks to walk me out.

"Uhh can I walk you to the door?"

"Okay" I reply

As we're walking we talk

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