BokuAka - Interigation

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(so... someone requested a bokuaka mafia au... am i complaining? no sir. so here i am to deliver)
(they had kinda a specific request so that's what this is, also the mafias aren't separated by teams, they are sorta smushed together)

(also this is what akaashi looks like in his suit... i would die for him (also ngl he kinda be lookin like Sebastian from black butler))

 i would die for him (also ngl he kinda be lookin like Sebastian from black butler))

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detective's POV

"detective it's been four and a half hours of him just sitting there, when can we go in?" one of my men in swat gear asks.

it's true, here i am, standing in front of a one way mirror with the second most powerful man in the Japanese underworld sitting- handcuffed to a table- on the other side. i can't arrest him, and he knows it. he's never left enough evidence for us to legally trace anything back to him, but if we could just get a confession we could probably lock him up for the rest of his life. "not yet, he's breaking down little by little, i can tell." i say, but i couldn't, he may have been, but if he was he wasn't showing any signs. in fact, if it wasn't for his perfect posture, the constant rise and fall of his chest and the occasional blink i wouldn't even be able to tell he was alive. he's been sitting there for more than four hours but hasn't moved an inch, no water, no food, just sitting still with the same sly grin on his face.

(five and a half hours later)

his posture has relaxed slightly but an amount that is extremely negligible for the 10 hours he's been sitting there. it's been so long that five of the nine swat members i have with me stopped talking completely, i'm pretty sure ones asleep and the others are just annoyed I was waiting so long. i was so confident he would have shown some sign of stress at this point.

'i need a confession, we can't convict him without a confession and he knows that too.' if i'm being completely honest i was terrified, the circumstances of his arrest just didn't make any sense. it took me two years to just find his name, then suddenly he is found, seemingly alone, no wires, weapons, or anything of the sort with him, just dressed in a clean pressed suit. i couldn't afford to mess this up, or we may never get another chance.

"ok," i say with a touch of apprehension in my voice, "we're heading in." i look over to one of the men who hasn't been talking and gesture to the one that's most definitely asleep, "and could you wake him up?" i don't check for a response, confident that he would do it.

i walk in with the rest of the team behind me, all of us ready for whatever is about to happen. "hello akaashi kenji, it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"ah my reputation proceeds me i see," he says with a cheery voice that still somehow sends a chill down my spine, "took your sweet time didn't you detective?"

"cut the crap akaashi, you and i both know that you have committed enough crimes to get a life sentence, you may as well just confess right now." i say with an attempt to sound confident

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