IwaOi - Happy Birthday

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Iwaizumi's POV

i walk in to school prepared for whatever shit my boyfriend was about to through at me. today's my birthday which is fine i guess but shittykawa always makes a big fuss about it... i hope he doesn't shove a cake in my face... again. he said it was an accident last year but he was definitely lying.

to my surprise though, there isn't any confetti, no balloons, not even a group of my friends, just tooru leaning against the wall waiting for me as usual. "MORNING IWA-CHAN!!! how are you today!?!" he asks, the same as every morning.

"i'm fine..." i respond in my normal flat voice, with a bit of confusion at the extreme lack of birthday wishes.

"aren't you going to ask me how i am," he says grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers, "it only common curtesy!"

"no." my voice is flat and uninterested but i don't pull my hand away.

"mean Iwa-chan!!!" he says as we enter the classroom.

i see two volleyball team members, Matsukawa and Hanamaki. they both say hello as we sit down but they don't say anything about my birthday, 'is it possible they all forgot? i mean if tooru forgot then no one would have reminded them so it's possible. well i'd rather have no birthday than an extravagant one so i guess this is better.' i think to myself looking around, 'or maybe he just thought i didn't want to celebrate because of how i reacted last year.'

i hate to admit it but it kinda bothered me... i always act upset but i thought shittykawa was smart enough to see through that. i also thought my boyfriend who i've known for my whole life would remember my birthday!

i sit down in my chair and hear my teacher begin talking, "ok class before we start today's lesson we have to wish a very happy birthday to," well at least one person remembered, "mai! technically her birthday was on saturday but since we obviously didn't have school she gets her congratulations today! ok now on to the lesson..."

'WHAT not only did my teacher not wish me a happy birthday even though she has a list!!! she said it to someone else!!' i don't know why this is bothering me so much, i genuinely do not like how people act when it's your birthday.

maybe it's just the idea that they all forgot makes me feel unappreciated, but i think i'm mostly just upset at stupid crappykawa for forgetting!! he's not only my boyfriend he's my BEST friend who lllloves celebrating!!

the day only got stranger from there, because not only did my home room teacher forget, not ONE of my teachers said anything, and no one on the volleyball team, and no one from my classes, and none of the coaches. which made me feel even worse, because it means if tooru doesn't remind them no one else cares enough to remember on their own. i started off the day hoping people would not make a big deal out of it but now i would do anything for some cake to the face (get your minds out of the gutter people!! oikawa doesn't have cake anyway)

tooru is going to get an earful tomorrow, i would yell today but i'm honestly really hurt. i know i always act upset but i really, really thought he knew how much i appreciate everything he does for me. being extra is his thing, and he loves to overdramatizes everything, especially when it comes to parties. 'he must have actually forgotten... why does that hurt so much?'

as i was in my own little world waiting for shittykawa because we usually walk home together after practice i feel my phone buzz,

flatass: hey Iwa-chan sorry to do this to you last minute but Kindaichi asked me to help him study for his upcoming exam
flatass: i'm sorry but i can't walk with you :(((((
flatass: luv u tho <3

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