Dear Furudate

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Dear Furudate,

you'll never read this, and if i'm being honest i'm not sure i want you to, because you've changed my life. haikyuu!! was a safe haven from the real world, a place i could go to forget about my emotions and immerse myself in a space of competition, loss and victory. i felt happier than i have in a long time watching and reading this fantastic series.

i laughed, cried, and cheered with these characters; i will never forget the impact they had on my life, and not just the main set of passionate idiots. each and every one of the supporting characters helped shape the narrative of this story, no matter how small of a role they played. from hinata shouyou to villager b, i simply felt at home while when seeing their faces. this manga has been my stability, the thing i could always go back to and find so much joy and love and passion.

while the show continues on it will always be your creativity and amazing skill as an artist- that inspires many- as the driving force behind it. i love your work, i love the way it makes me feel, i love having a place to be safe and above all i love the care put into each and every panel, each and every word.

loosely quoting oikawa toru while speaking to his fellow third years in the haikyuu!! movie, "thank you for the past eight years." (video attached above)

furudate your work has taught me that i can not only climb to the summit but, with hard work and dedication, i can continue up words, flying. i can touch the sky using the wings i build and go anywhere i want as long as i never give up.

i am a muddled mess, a mixture of colors that on there own could never make a difference, but you reminded me that as long as there is color they will mix. they will twist and turn until finally becoming black, a color that could never be changed and one with such strong will it makes a point to be noticed by every living thing on this beautiful planet. you reminded me that i am a living thing on this planet. a person with hopes and dreams and someone who is deserving of love and has the power and responsibility to spread that love as far as i could possibly imagine. you reminded me that i have to be ambitious in order to achieve the things i want in life and can not hide who i am. you gave me the courage to come out to my friends and family many years ago and have helped me when certain people were less than excepting.

this is only 500 words to express my love for this series but i don't think i could put into words how deeply my admiration runs for this beautiful world you have created, and the fantastic characters to go along with it.

Respectfully, appreciatively, and happily,

Haikyuu oneshots (mixed ships)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ