NBAW(nonbinary awareness week) - just the basics

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difference between gender and sex:
sex: what you are assigned at birth male, female, or intersex and is based on your physical biology

gender: a social construct based off what we consider typically masculine or feminine behavior. people who are transgender in anyway are not making a choice, it depends on chemical imbalances while in the womb. it is backed by a lot of science and they have found that a transgender person's brain aligns more with the opposite sex than the one they were assigned at birth.
many people use the argument "if gender is a social construct and is not real then trans people can't exist," but this is based on the idea that social constructs do not effect our lives. for example money holds value because we say it does- therefore it is a social construct- but it affects our lives daily and holds a lot of power in the world.

what is non-binary?
non-binary is an umbrella term in the trans community meaning any gender that falls outside the binary of men and women
people who are non-binary do not always use they/them pronouns and are usually not completely in the middle
a good way to think of non-binary genders is by relating them to colors: if male is blue and female is red that DOES NOT make every other color purple
until next time lovelies 💐💐
and remember to be nice to others

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