Escarral would rise again, stronger than ever before, and with Dalcaine and Ethran as allies unlike ever before.

Finally, it was time to go. With Lyv and Elys on one side and his father on his other, Jai knew this would be one hell of a welcoming.

"Everyone ready?" Cleo asked, looking around at them all.

Jai, Lyv, Elys, and Emmeric.

Gideon, Thia, Mik, Allel, and Kalla.

Bridget, Alberich, and Drue.

Ada, Gyver, Davon, and Bridger.

Merek, Urell, and Malik.

Even the four dragons who formed a circle around them all.

When had his family gotten so big?

But the most important member was the one he looked at then, the one he loved most, the one carrying their child and holding the hand of their boy.

Lyv's smile brightened even more. "Let's go home."

"Home," Jai nodded, and leaned down to kiss her just as Cleo's shadows surrounded them.


It was the screams of terror they heard first as the shadows began to dissipate around them. Then the shouts from guardsmen, their armor clanking and weapons drawn as they surrounded them. Of course, they would have thought they were under attack, especially after all the tension before.

Maybe directing Cleo to put them in the center of the palace courtyard wasn't the best idea.

The dragons were the first to be seen, though. With Ro leading, he, Erly, Chesnan, Ollyn, and Odanth took to the skies, heading in the direction of the Branvon Estate where they could relax in the dragon quarters. Gods knew they deserved it. The wind from their takeoff whipped around them, almost knocking them all back a step right along with the guardsmen who began lowering their weapons.

By then, the palace staff were everywhere, rushing out of doors, rounding the pathways from behind the main building complex, leaning out of windows just to see what was going on. Even people from in the city rushed toward the palace gates, pressing their faces between the bars just to get a better look.

Then there they were, pushing through the small crowd of people. His mother's face was tearstained and blotchy with redness. She looked like she hadn't stopped crying for days. Laurel was the same, clutching Archer to her chest as he slept through the noise. Even Evelien was there with little Balian and baby Imrie. And Eamon...Eamon was completely heartbroken, his sapphire eyes dull and lifeless. As soon as they took in their family, who appeared without warning, some life was restored to those faces.

Until their eyes landed on Jai and Lyv, still holding hands and standing close together...then they came alive again.

Evelien was the first to move, running down the steps just as Merek stumbled forward at the sight of his wife and their children. Even though Jai knew he was exhausted, Merek still pulled a laughing Balian into his arms and kissed the side of his head before wrapping his other arm around Evelien and Imrie.

And just like Bridget had whenever Jai and Lyv had emerged from their tent hours earlier, Alexea screamed their names before she started running.

His mother collided with them with enough force to knock them back a step. She was weeping, sobbing so loudly she couldn't manage to get a word out. Then Laurel was in the fold, and eventually Eamon squeezed himself between them all, pulling Elys back into it also.

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