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Brown: Okay lets vote out Purple!

Cyan: Finally!

Brown: I can't believe we are actually going to win. I thought for SURE we were toast.

Cyan: I am so glad to have you here, Brown <3

Purple: ITS NOT ME! Also this is a very cute love story between you two, but ITS NOT ME!

Cyan: Dude...that was just embarrassing. We know it is you. Admit your fate. Take it like a brave boy!

Brown: I am sorry Purple! We love you, seriously.

Cyan: Lol hehe no we don't.

Purple: I hate my life.

Purple was the Imposter...0 Imposter's remain...


(Back at the Lobby)


The game had finally ended and the players were all transported back to the lobby of the ship. The 8 Crewmates celebrated together in excitement. Black was even extremely happy to lose as he hugged me tightly, for the first time in a while.

Purple looked almost dishevelled as the tears prickled in his eyes in embarrassment, guilt, humiliation and sadness. I wasn't even satisfied to see him cry, even though I had dreamed about this moment for a while. His face looked genuinely sad as if it was the worst thing he had ever encounted.

I approached him with a sympathetic smile on my face, with the hopes to cheer him up.

"Hey." I said as I sat down beside him.
"I am really sorry." Purple sputtered before I could even say a word.
"I know you are. I don't hate you. None of us do...Gg."
"Gg, Pink. It has been a good run."

I returned back to the main group and laughed with them. It was like an amazing party. I was so happy to finally feel this way and reunite with my friends. I knew it couldn't last forever. Nothing this good could last forever.

My internet was dropping drastically and I knew I couldn't stay. I was about to leave all of my amazing friends that I had made. Once I leave, it would be over.

"Black, I need to go now." I said hastily as I approached him.
"What do you mean?"
"I am getting off the game. Its time for me to leave." I told him, speaking fast.


Pink gave Black a sad smile as she hugged him tightly.
"Do you really have to go now? Can't you stay for one more game?" Black pleaded.
"No its time. Black I must go. Remember me."

Black's eyes started to tear up and she hugged him once again.
"I will always remember you Black. I will remember all of you. Please don't make this harder than it needs to be..."

"I am not ready to say goodbye just yet. Please..." Black pleaded, the desperation in his eyes was unsettling - Pink was beginning to panic.

"I don't have enough pings to stay." Pink said, starting to cry now as she held his hand.
"I love you, Pink!" Black cried.
"I love you too Black!" Pink replied.
"I don't even have your contact number or—"

Pink has left the game due to error.

The end.

One More Imposter Among Us. (FINISHED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant