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Unfortunately for me, I had to finish my last task in Electrical. I never got to finish it before, so I decided to head there. Perhaps I could actually win this-


Emergency Meeting Headquarters:

Blue: Aww Lime. What a shame! I really liked him.

Brown: I found the body in Reactor.

Pink: It is Purple.

Cyan: It is not Purple! I saw Purple do tasks. I know I did!

Pink: I bet you don't win often Cyan...

Brown: I think it might be Black...

Pink: No it isn't Black.

Brown: How do you know?

Pink: I watched him scan.

Orange: Should I skip or..?

Cyan: I think it is Orange.

Purple: Me too. Orange is sus. They kept following me.

Orange: Me? It isn't me, that is RIDICULOUS.

Brown: I voted Orange. I was with Cyan the whole time anyway.

Orange: You all realise how Cyan keeps getting it wrong right...

Black: Bye bye Orange.

Purple: Sorry Orange.

Orange was not the Imposter. 2 Imposters remain.

We all returned to Cafeteria. I kissed Black goodbye as I decided to go finish my last task.

"Bye. I love you."

"Stay safe, Pink. I love you too."

We separated and I looked around to make sure nobody was following me. I hurriedly made my way down to Electrical. It was dimly lit as always, my eye sight began to be strained as I squinted to see.

My anxiety rose as I went deeper into the dark depths of the Electrical room. The wire task was awaiting, and I rushed over. I wanted to get this over with. Each second was a second I risked my life.

Lets just get this over with. Its going to be fine. Hurry up. Blue goes with blue wire...red joins with red.

Suddenly I heard the doors to the room shut. The room had been sabotaged. My mind immediately came to the worst possible scenario. I whipped my body around fast, to see Purple standing on the other end.

"Well well well. Hello darling." Purple said in a mocking tone.

"P-Purple." I stammered.
My voice was shaking like crazy. My mind was leaping from thought to thought. My vision seemed to alter and fade and I tried snapping back to reality. I tried remaining a confident ground.

"Is Black with you?" I asked, still shaking.

"No. He is out killing Cyan I hope. She is so annoying." Purple said casually.

"Okay then. Y-yeah cyan is annoying..." I replied awkwardly, trying to procrastinate for as long as I could.

"I know you're stalling. You know exactly what happens now, don't you?" Purple teased.

"Black will hate you, if you kill me." I told him.

He edged closer to me without a care in the world once again. He fiddled with the gun in his left hand, and the knife in the right. I knew that I had to accept my fate. There was no point resisting now...

"Please don't do this. Show mercy. Blac—"

*screen goes black*


I was wandering around the ship trying to find people to kill. Everyone seemed to have a teammate, which made it harder to eliminate the options. I sabotaged Reactor, hoping to find Pink there.

Perhaps I could see her just one more time.

Everyone ran to Reactor when the red flashing went off like crazy. I followed too, just to blend in and distract everyone.

I was disturbed to see that Pink was nowhere to be found, nor anywhere near the area. I noticed everyone was still travelling in teams which indicated that Pink was alone.

Worry overcame me and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. It beat fast and I glanced around the room, which was still flashing in red.

I quickly sprinted around the ship searching for Pink. I prayed that I wouldn't see a Pink lifeless body somewhere - and that she was just hiding in a place safe and sound.

I ran into Purple, who smirked at me evilly, which made me sick. I glared at him as I rushed off. I was about to turn into Electrical when-


One More Imposter Among Us. (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now