November 15

8 2 1

When I woke up this morning, my room door was open. So like any other curious person in a horror movie, I went out of my comfortable and warm bed to check it out.
The lights were all off and it was dark in the house, save the breaking of mr sun's sleep paralysis. And once I opened the door a bit more, there were little plastic candles, lighting a path down the stairs and into the living room. My first though was that Mark was recording a creepy video, but why my room?

There were no more thoughts when I followed the lighted pathway and since it was morning...I didn't really care.

A jumpscare?

Doesn't bother me

A serial killer?

I don't eat cereal...

Or do I?

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I heard Mark and Sean yell once I turned into the room.

They were wearing party hats and had confetti in the air. On the living room table was a cake with lit candles and a plate with pancakes.

"Happy birthday young adult." Mark grabs my arm and sits me down on the couch. Then he sets up a tripod with one of his cameras in front of us.

He told me that he wanted to document this whole day, so he had some cameras rolling.
I was fine with it I guess.
Sean looked at me and put his arm around my shoulders while Mark did the same. Mark told me he wanted us to be the clickbait photo.

I tried smiling...I really did. But my cheeks were tired from crying last night and I think I just looked like I was trying to get help.

We ate pancakes together and then we ate the cake. It was an icecream cake...I know Mark's my brother...but I can't believe he remembered my favourite kind of cake.

After that I got a text from my parents saying "Happy Birthday."

And that was it.

Then I found Nate behind my front door. He spun me around and hugged me so tight I felt my back crack.
I'm okay though Lol.
Nate kissed my forehead and shoved a present up my face before looking at me straight in the eyes. They looked so serious.
So I told him

With my eyes

And then he started crying. He started crying because I told him...with my eyes.

I could see that he wanted to yell, but all he could do was cry in front of me.
He kept whispering
" can'"
And he punched the concrete pathway before he was called into his parent's car.
I followed him out and he suddenly pulled me into his arms again.

He wouldn't let go.

But I kissed his cheek and pushed him gently away.

"I might just follow you..." He whispered into my ear.

"No...I think you'll wait." I told him.
Aw man then he started weeping and his mom asked him if he was okay.
Suddenly he smiled and kissed me on the lips.


My heart is still beating hard as I write this.
Then he said "Farewell—till time brings us together again." Before getting into his car.


Later Mr MatPat came along with a small envelope. He tipped his hat down and just left.

That's pretty much it.

Except Mark came and gave me a big hug. He didn't talk which was weird.

Then Sean came and gave me a small little card.
It said

"You're one of the most beautiful and strongest people I know. Thank you for sharing your heart with me. Thank you for being willing to talk to me. I never told anyone this, besides Mark, but I too was depressed at one point. And sometimes it comes back when I've been lonely for too long. I have scars just like you. And i'm glad that there's someone else like me.
I'm not religious, but if there really is God out there...i'm praying for you.
And I love you very much. —Love Sean"

It made me cry really bad.

 I am now. Lost in the woods but not really. I only have my phone and this diary with me.
I've texted Mark, Sean, and Nate goodbye.
And i'll stay here at the edge of the cliff just long enough for them to find me.

Speaking of them, I see the lights and I can hear Mark shouting.

So this is goodbye...?

I wish I had the courage to tell Nate that I liked him since we first met.

And I wish I could have told Sean that he was my hero.

And first love...


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