~ gaslighter ~

Começar do início

"Evan it's on the calendar, paper and online. I've repeated my leave over and over, it is not my fault you have selective hearing."

'Franny, you never-'

"Okay, whatever. I'll be home soon."

'And when you get back I will meet Eve.'


'I will meet her.'

That bastard hung up.

Evan and I's relationship was one of the worst I had been in. He was a gaslighter and a profiler. He knew what I was going to do most of the time and used that to his advantage. I worked with him for a long time before he just announced that we were dating, no explanation. Used Eve as an excuse for me to be with him.

she needs a father figure. I wasn't dense and I wasn't allowing him around my kid. It seemed as if I could never get myself away from the bad ones. Always mimicking prince charming then being the complete opposite. Aaron was the exception and that was honestly depressing. I was a fucking job.

A glass breaks on the concrete behind me and I sigh. Great, just fucking great. Fan-fucking-tastic. Cheeky. Just fucking peachy.

Turning around I'm met with the shocked face's of my two best friends.

"You're engaged?" Emily slurs, although I knew she was going to remember this tomorrow.

I grunt, "Yes."

"To an abusive asshole?" JJ wasn't really asking.


The both sit by me, "Oh ya, concealer rubbed off after dinner, I just thought you liked it ruff." Emily joked.

"I do."

JJ spits out her drink laughing, "Don't try to change the subject."

"I'm not."

"Why are you so vague."

"I'm practically a spy Jennifer, it comes with the territory."

Emily shoves her glance in the air in a cheering motion, "So do the sick sunglasses."

JJ glances between us two, "Seriously?"

I nod, "Ya, they're pretty chill."

Shaking her head aggressively, JJ set's down her drink, "No subject change."

I snort, "I'm not."

Emily chuckles humorlessly, "So let's just hypothetically go through this situation. You end up with abusive guy, usually gramps kills them before it goes to far but the one good guy you dated but him away into the jail cell so now this relationship went to far. Home boy asked you to marry him, probably threatening Eve. You came here subconsciously in hope that Aaron would except her and keep her safe." though some words were slurred, she got her point across.

"Eve wanted to meet her dad."

JJ points at me accusingly, "You didn't correct the rest."

"It was a hypothetical situation, I just wanted to correct the part that was accurate." I mumble.

Emily plays with a piece of glass in her hand, "You're going to leave her here aren't you."

I shake my head, "I can't do that to her or Aaron I know what it feels like to be abandoned, she doesn't need to."

"So you're going to take her with you to hypothetical abusive asshole." she questions.

"No- I...." cutting myself off, I glance up towards my daughter. She was dancing with Aaron now, he feet on his fancy shoes, him twirling her around, them both laughing, "I just want her to be safe and happy. Every mom want's that for there kid. She's happy with me but she's not safe. And with Aaron she's happy and safe but who's to say that happiness won't go away if she realizes I left her with him."

JJ huffs, "You are a bad ass spy bitch and you're letting bad ass spy bro wannabe take advantage of you." were her wise words.

"Wow Jayge, you should put that on a poster," I joke.

"Seriously though," Emily butts in, "We're federal agents, let us take him in."

Licking my lips, I sigh, "He'll come after me, he has people."

Emily laughs bitterly, "Let him, you're family Dani, we aren't going to let you get hurt and do nothing."

I look at her pointedly. She throws her hands up in surrender, "Again."

"Em I love you, but you don't know how much this guy can mess with us. You could lose everything."

"I'm willing."

My phone buzzes again and I glance down at the screen reading the name.


"I have to take this," I murmur, standing up, "And clean that glass up before Rossi sees it, that was one of his favorites."

Wheels Down in 30Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora