Chapter Thirteen- Undying Forest of Myths

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"You're learning, Ljusets. Go hunt as I'll go and ensure that we have the materials to store food."Vokiaus says back before stretching and walking away back to his throne room to command the local guards to gather up the people who had the brains to do this. They had recently found out how to "cure" food and make it so it doesn't rot and whatnot, making it last for nearly a year. One giant piece of meat could feed an entire family for a long time. He makes sure the materials are ready as he goes to deal with more issues around the camp along with exiling some bad apples. While Ljusets was out, Vokiaus was going back to his throne before he gets assaulted by one of the exiles. Stabbed horribly in the hip but escaped with his life after some Wandering spiders come by and beat the ever loving daylights out of them as he's guided back. These wandering spiders saved Vokiaus's life, they were incredibly strong and were long ago turned down as personal guards due to how small they were.Vokiaus gets aid from some funnel weavers and offers the 2 spiders guardians for him as they happily take it, being outfitted in metal armor with weapons of their choice, both of which being giant maces with spikes on them coated in their own venom.Vokiaus rests on his throne clenching his wound with the webbing on it still.


Ljusets comes back with yet another heavy haul of prey in a large web bag. She then smells Vokiaus's scent and his blood. She gasps while quickly setting the large bag onto the ground with the other prey she's hunted and goes to check on Vokiaus. She goes up to him and gently holds him close to her. She also puts an extra layer of webbing over his healing wound, having his hip sparkle from her silk. 

 <Oh my stars, Vokiaus! Are you all right?! You're injured!> Ljusets says in worry as she keeps him close to her. She sees another aggressive tarantula attacking another wandering spider. Ljusets growls softly and protectively stands in front of Vokiaus. The aggressive tarantula smells Ljusets's scent and prowls up to her. Ljusets takes out her spear and hisses. 

 <Stay away! You will be punished!> Ljusets says defensively. The aggressor springs at her, strongly pinning her down. But, Ljusets is much stronger. She kicks the tarantula off of her, they fly a few feet away from her while tumbling. The spider runs back up to her not giving up the fight. Ljusets drops her spear, her eyes turn to slits and she violently tears into the tarantula while spilling their blood. 

 <Do not go near Vokiaus! I protect him whenever possible!> Ljusets screeches and gives them a venomous bite on their neck. A loud SNAP occurs from the tarantula's neck severed in half from Ljusets's strong jaws. The tarantula wails then falls limp in death. She stands back up and tries to catch her breath.


The wandering spiders then take the remains of the tarantula out and dispose them while going over to Ljusets and nodding their head before one pulls out a knife, and gives it to her. 

 "It'll serve you better than me now, it has the ability to bring out the most toxic of venom, you just need to scrape it against something and it'll turn green. Use it on those who dare to oppose Vokiaus and whenever we aren't present for immediate action on their so sorry body."Vokiaus sat back shocked but wipes his eyes in disbelief of what Ljusets did and how she easily took out the threat.


Ljusets accepts the knife and nods. She also gives the spiders a soft hug before going back up to Vokiaus. She sits next to him while catching her breath more. It seems she hasn't been sleeping lately, so she's been exhausting herself to stay awake. 

 <Sorry sons of bitches hurting my love to be... they'll highly regret it...> Ljusets mutters as she finally settles her heart rate down and lets out a huge exhausted yawn. She looks back at Vokiaus, her eyes clearly show she's tired. She rubs at her face while stretching and sits back. 

<Today has been a long day.> She mentions as she begins to drift off, her head drooping to her chest. She fights the exhaustion, but it wins the battle as she then falls asleep next to Vokiaus.


Vokiaus then picks her up and carries her to her burrow with him and sets her in the bed that she had while he weaves a hammock for him to lay in before passing out, both of them were asleep in the same room 

 "Sleep well Ljusets.. you've done me proud.."


Ljusets through the night has a nightmare. She tosses and turns in bed, muttering several curse words. Her handpaws twitch, her legs kick out occastionally, her large abdomen bristles as her fluff stands on end. She lets out a loud, agonising scream and it echoed through the camp.. 


The next morning, she wakes up feeling tired and a little refreshed. She looks around to see if anything has changed... nope. She rubs at her eyes and stretches as she gets ready to start out her day.


Vokiaus was already awake standing guard in front of Ljusets entrance to her burrow with a spear. Her scream must have woken him up and put him into a highly defensive feeling, he was too occupied on ensuring nobody enters up front.


Ljusets crawls up the burrow tunnel to its entrance, then noticing Vokiaus already awake and on guard. 

 <Vokiaus?> Ljusets peeped softly. She's still trying to process her mind into waking up. She lets out a long yawn and stretches more as she stands next to him.


Vokiaus slowly turns around. 

 "Ljusets, you're awake.. you.. had a nightmare and it forced me awake, I've been standing guard to ensure our safety."He looks at her and puts his spear aside."That scream sent a lot of soldiers into patrol to make sure everything was Ok until I told them it was you, can I get you anything? After what you've done for me I surely need to repay you."


Still half asleep, she rubs the sleepiness from her eyes with one more yawn before replying."Perhaps a day out together?" She suggests without a second thought. A day out together... yes, that sounds like a good idea to her. She would like to spend some alone time with Vokiaus more. This could be a great time to admit her feelings toward him as well.


"A day out? Doesn't sound bad at all, I'm ready whenever you are."He replies and nods, maybe it was to know him better or to do something that'll blow time by.


Ljusets smiles and goes out into the forest with Vokiaus. She takes in a deep whiff of the fresh air and sighs softly. She occasionally tries to converse with Vokiaus in his language. A few slipups occur, but she laughs it off with a joke or two.She hunts for both of them and brings back two plump freshkills. She cooks them for herself and for Vokiaus to enjoy. Once she begins to eat she then feels her face heating up in nervousness. 

 "Vokiaus... I... um... I have something to say." Ljusets swallows her mouthful hard, due to the anxious lump in her throat.


"Yes? What is it Ljusets?"Vokiaus turns to her, giving her full undivided attention as he folds his arms and stops eating.


Ljusets's heart pounds loudly in her head, her face hot from heavily blushing, her body slightly shaking and shivering as she is extremely nervous and anxious. 

 "Go on! Confess to him!! Confess now!! Be brave!!" a voice shouts in her head. She clears her throat nervously and takes a couple of deep breaths to tell him how she feels. 

 "V-Vokiaus... I... I'm... in love with you..." She stammers as she confesses to him."E-ever since... w-we've met... I... didn't think we were going to m-make it this far... I'm glad we have..."

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