Chapter Nine- Undying Forest of Myths

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Vokiaus stands there and doesn't really move. He lets her embrace him as he closes his eyes while standing. 

"..Like most of the Huntsmen they see eachother as family, but never to this extent."He said before opening his eyes"Family is important, without family there is no life."


Ljusets then suddenly feels uncomfortable and lets go of him. 

 <I'm sorry, that was rude of me.> Ljusets mumbled faintly. 

"Y-you're... you are right..." Ljusets raised her voice a little bit and blushed a heavy blue. Her heart was beckoning her to confess already, getting impatient. She let out a heavy sigh and denied the impatient request.


"Do not fear that I do not see you that way, I see you as family for sure after what you had done for me back there.. I have no other ways but to give you any gratitude I can give back."He says before sitting back down in this throne.


Ljusets then nods. She completely drains away that infatuation over him and turns her back on him. 

"I'm... going... to hunt." Ljusets said. She gets her spear out of her den, preparing herself to go hunting for the tribe she's now part of. She seems to have started enjoying being in the tribe. It is certainly something to get used to with brand new daily routines, a tight patrol schedule, hunting schedule, making sure all rations are in check and such. For most of her maturing life she has lived alone and had to survive through mostly bitter nights in the cold eating little to no food due to all weak insects hiding away to sleep. It was even more difficult hunting for any diornal insects than hunting for nocturnal. Well, off to a new start.


"Good hunting, I suggest you hunt with a pack instead of being alone. Though the choice is yours, if you don't return by tonight I will send out a search party for you."Vokiaus said before she left. Lju could notice the sudden increase of funnel Weaver's and wolf spiders where Vokiaus sat. Guardsmen and others ready to help Vokiaus when he needs it most.


Ljusets nods then begins running off into the forest to hunt. She's incredibly quick and very silent, the wind trail behind her made no whoosh. After a long few hours, she returns with quite a haul. Even the silk net she's created with her own silk threatened to break due to how much she's hunted. 

"I have returned!" She says with no issue. It seems she's taught herself how to speak just small bits and pieces with simple words. Her accent is still extremely heavy, but at least she's had no trouble.


Spiders of all sorts rush over and help her net out and whatnot and they carry it to Vokiaus. He was sleeping before waking up, his eyes widened at what she brought back.. this.. this can end the rationing! How did she bring back so much food!? What's her technique? All hunters unlike her bring back rarely anything that's substantial.. Vokiaus gets up and inspects the food to only find out that it's his favorite kind of food.. 

 "This.. This here can help spark a end to rationing.. the ones who go underfed shall no longer.."Vokiaus walks over to Ljusets,"You, you are more than a hunter.. you're a huntress with talent that outshines most of the others here. I would greatly appreciate it if you told us where you found all this and how you got so much.. this can end so many issues here at once."


"I know a few hiding spots those little buggers can be in!" She's said proudly. "They don't know what would hit them when I cameranian them-- err..." She's made an error. She needs to slow down. What she was trying to explain was she knows how to cloak herself in complete darkness due to how dark her fluff is and she lures in her prey with her scent.


One of the foreign speaking experts comes over and speaks to her in her language, asking what she did and whatnot. 

 <What were you saying? I can help translate, Young lass.>


She freezes up in startle and her heart jumps almost out of her chest. She turns around and sees the foreign spider and tells him. 

<I hunt the prey by emitting my scent that I usually have. They come running out and that's the end of them!> She's said excitedly to the foreign speaking spider. She panted from that unexpected startle of their voice.


"She said she emits a scent much like a carnivorous plant to prey and they come to her, unlike 95% of us she is blessed with the ability to emit scents out that smell sweet to prey."They said to Vokiaus. 

 "The smell game.. deceiving and smart, why did I never think of that.... I want my Weaver's to make jars with scents that'll attract prey! Go to our archive and look at huntresses of the past, they always said something about things like this."


She smiles wide, clearly proud of herself that she helps out with the camp. She looks at Vokiaus, happiness and pride sparkle in her eyes. 

 <I'm honestly glad I can help out around here. As long as I protect the one I lo-- ahhhh... I protect those who I love!> Whoa that was a close one.


"..we may even be looking at The huntress.. I'm very proud of you Ljusets."Vokiaus says to her with a smile. "You've impressed me, knowing the call of the hunt and wild, letting the blood flow through you as your primal instincts and intellect work side by side. The Huntress of the Huntmen is known to be the Wife of the Chieftain, however we can bend tradition and let you choose your own path to be one regardless and still be single, or find someone you actually take interest in as it's more comfortable, and less stress and so on."After Vokiaus finishes talking he goes back to his little home and sits on the throne before dozing off.


Ljusets smiles wide, feeling quite happy and proud of herself. She's also growing that feeling more when she's heard Vokiaus mention about a mate. She closes her eyes and smiles more to herself... 

 "What if I'm in love with you, Vokiaus..." she thinks.She sits down and begins to meditate. Her sweet scent grows even sweeter, perfume-like... not prey-attraction, but as almost a love potion kind of scent. It seems this scented huntress is not hiding her new feeling physically any longer...  

She's beginning to slowly fall in love with Vokiaus.

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