Chapter Six- Undying Forest of Myths

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She catches the charm perfectly and she softly accepts the cloth. She puts it on her chest plate over her left breast. She puts the charm below it. She looks back up at him and nods in understanding. 

 <I will do whatever it takes--> She stops herself then clears her throat. 

 "I...I will... do... what... ever... it... t-takes... f-for... the... Huntsmen..." She says slowly to make sure she doesn't make any other errors. She then begins to look around some more, trying to familiarise the whole camp clearing. But, she turned too quickly-- watch out for her oversized abdomen!


Vokiaus was too far from her as she saw the center, where they were at, the armory, the homes ranging from burrows to straight up web tents to funnel tunnels that go underground and homes made of wood. Then there's Vokiaus's throne room and the chieftains nest.Lju will need to make her own home.


Ljusets walks around for a little bit, getting used to her surroundings. She passes by a few spiders carefully then looks back at Vokiaus. She's a little nervous and worried about him still, but at least he's going to be okay. 

 She then sits down and feels the substrate soil under her handpaws. Very soft to her just like her fluff. She then begins to slowly dig carefully, making sure she won't invade someone else's tunnel by accident as she begins to create a tunnel of her own.


Her tunnel being dug was perfect, nobody's home was really nearby and if there was they would usually make a tunnel system connecting all of them in the event of a emergency. The soil was really easy to dig through as she had no issues whatsoever. The soil made the silk really durable too.


She feels really content with the soil. She is also comfortable. Ljusets then feels satisfied with how deep she's made her tunnel and begins to weave the walls with her silk. Her silk oddly sparkles in the dark as well... this won't look very natural, but that's what her silk looks like. Eventually, she is finished with her silk tunnel burrow. She climbs back to the surface and even weaves extra silk to make sure her home marks as hers. She walks back up to Vokiaus feeling comfortable enough to at least try to converse with him.


Vokiaus was at his nest resting, the guards were patrolling as two of them stood outside his home while another Tarantula much like him goes into his nest, they were very sneaky and didn't get seen by the guards.. this is troubling.


She sniffs the air for that tarantula's scent... she doesn't seem to recognise them. She instantly follows the tarantula while trying to call for them. 

 <H-hey excuse me!> She yells.


The guards turn and feel the vibrations before running in with their spears ready as Vokiaus hisses loudly in his nest! There's an intruder!


Ljusets goes up to the intruder and with brute strength, she hisses and tackles down the intruder. Her eyes return to bright blue slits as she snaps her fangs at them. Thanks to her fairly large abdomen, it gave her extra weight to barrel them down. She acted pretty bloody and aggressive to the intruder... after all she owed Vokiaus her life after that quick battle they had. 

 It seems she truly cares about him.


Vokiaus was injured again, a really bad stab would on his left shoulder as he clenches it and hyperventilates while sitting down.The guards begin to slowly insert their spears into the intruders neck for execution in attempts to kill Vokiaus. 

 "THE HUNTSMEN NEED A NEW LEADER! I'LL-"the voice of that rugged sandpaper being dragged across your face was silenced.


Ljusets hears what the voice sounded like... it scared her right out of her skin. She gets off of the intruder and her eyes widen in shock. She whips her head to look at Vokiaus, then the intruder, then at Vokiaus again. She is then motionless. 

 <The Huntsmen need a new leader...? What does this mean?> She mutters to herself in disbelief. She has only been in this camp for a couple of hours. Her brain couldn't even process this many events tossing and turning inside all at once. She looks like she's ready to break down and cry. But, she doesn't, she manages to keep her stand. 

 <I must protect the leader as the camp's most loyal huntress...>

The Fine Line of Silkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें