Chapter Three- Lake of Souls

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He loosens his grip on her and lets her go gently while looking at her with utter concern. He gently puts his hand on her left shoulder gazing into her eyes with worry and fear while softly speaking,"What's wrong? Are you ok? Please.. calm down, sit down and take a minute to let this lakes teeming life engulf you with it's tender care and soothe you."He gently said and attempts to guide her down gently down to the grass as the vines and grass moves in the opposite direction, opening a spot for her to lay or even sit on without harming it overall.


She isn't hearing him very well, but her feet automatically follow his. She feels the grass under her delicate feetpaws and sits down, her large abdomen made a fluffy plop. In fact, her abdomen is abnormally large to where she could be mistaken for "being fat." 

 A few minutes later, she snaps back into reality, her fangs hidden again"O-o-oh my... I am so sorry-- I..." she stammers. She then shivers nonstop and breaks into soft sobs. She buries her face in all four hands, her body curls a little. She seems really miserable... she then seems to be mumbling about "attacked" and "children" and a few incoherent words... what was she referring to?


Off the bat he has known she is likely a former mother, or something along those lines. He gently puts his hand on her back and lays her down gently as the grass wraps around her gently along with the vines. In front of her conveniently was a patch of moss for her to lay her head on. 

 "Now now.. it's ok.. nobody will hurt you. I only wish to hear your entire story to see what you're trying to say, perhaps I could help?"He stated as sits on his knees looking at her with calming, gentle soothing grey eyes.


"I-I'll try to explain..." She sniffles then begins to explain... 

 Her tale is really dark and cruel... some wouldn't even believe anything she says at all. She tells her past life when she just became a matured female a few years ago, one of her "friends" she made along the way decided to pair with her. She of course was a little gullible in the past. And at that night when they first paired, he asked her if she was ready to get down and having children. She instantly said no. She was physically ready, but not mentally ready. So, her "mate" did such a horrid act to where one would have nightmares for years on. 

 She even explained about her second "mate." The two males she'd been together with did such horrible forced mating to her a total of five different times... it had traumatised her so much to where she trusts no male anymore. She keeps crying, instead of sobs they were pitiful whimpers. She looks at the male's silver eyes with large cyan-bloodshot eyes full of sadness and a ton of fear.


This only angered him, he clenched one of his fists in sheer rage before going over to remains of a tree and punching it into nothing but pieces. He literally destroys the tree with one punch.. 

"They.. they abused you.. I WILL SNAP THEIR HEADS OFF AND FEAST UPON THEM!" he says with his eyes being bloodshot in absolute rage. His heart rate went up a awful ton as he takes a branch and slams it on a stump and breaks the stump and the branch in the process.. he then kicks the stump clean on top and makes it smooth somehow.. the anger.. this was abnormal. Nobody could be able to decimate anything like that!


The female wolf spider instantly regrets anything she has said to him. She instantly bolts away and hides into another shrub, but the shrub was too small to fit her large abdomen, so she made herself stuck. She goes into a large panic attack and tries to shake herself free... no luck. She whines and whimpers, she instantly can't trust him... she's very afraid that he'll hurt her too after destroying the dead tree. 

 "Let me out! LET ME OUT!" She screams in a shrill tone. Her breathing turns into hyperventilating, her claws dug into leaves and leaving splinters in her fluff, leaves scatter everywhere from the shrub, making her scream more in fright.


he goes over and literally rips the shrub out of the ground before tossing it aside. The grass and vines wrap around it before it's literally back in the ground with roots and whatnot. Vines grab the both of them and toss them into the water. The other wolf spider immediately passes out because of what it does. It's some sort of.. calming pool? Gives them good memories to relive, relaxing him and the souls that lurked within the lake peer into his mind. They ease him and send him back to the shore. Not much could be said for the other one.. she landed on the shoreline untouched and her fall was cushioned by a Lily pad.

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