Chapter Fourteen- Restless Forest

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Quilier and Auration-

Quilier gives him more comfort by stroking his head as he falls asleep. She becomes sleepier and falls into a deep sleep herself. 


 Quilier wakes up feeling very refreshed. She yawns and stretches to get the blood flowing through her body again. Auration is already awake scratching at the tree. She looks at Auration with confusion. 

 "Aura, what are you doing?" Quilier asks him, causing him to jump, stumble and slides off the branch onto the ground in a startling thud. 

 "A-ah! Ouch I nearly had it..." Auration whimpers in pain then weakly climbs back up to meet back with Quilier and Akreien. 

 "Nearly had what, Aura?" Quilier tilts her head as she strokes Akreien's head more. 

 "Wanted to scratch the tree for some tree sap. Wanted to make sure we have enough to create more healing ointment." Auration sneezes then resumes scratching at the tree.


Akreien was still sleeping peacefully, he had woken up over night and made his bed more. More dense with webbing and only his head was showing, it may be a while until he wakes up unless someone wakes him up.

Quilier and Auration-

Quilier looks at Akreien and coos in response to how he looks. She goes over to him and gently nudges him and strokes his head. 

 "Akreien, it's time to wake up. We've got things to do today!" Quilier whispers softly in a syrupy tone. Auration then scratches the tree enough to where sap is leaking out. 

 "Oh fucking finally..." He mutters and begins to contain the sap. Quilier whistles in a very gentle and chirping tone for Akreien to wake up without feeling startled or scared.


He slowly wakes up with a yawn before stretching. 

 "I'm up, just one moment.." He can barely open his eyes due to how sleepy he is but he'll be wide away soon.

Quilier and Auration-

Quilier giggles and sits back to let him wake up naturally. 

"All right, Akreien. I'll be right here--" 

 "GOT IT-- WHOA!!" Auration got plenty of sap then falls off the tree again from a branch above whacking him off due to sudden gusts of wind. 

 "Aura! Are you okay?!" Quilier gasps and looks down, seeing him land in an awkward position. She fears he's dislocated a bone again. 

 "Y-yeah I'm fine..." He groans and gets back up. He sits next to Quilier and pops his spine back into place. "Ohhhh shit..."


The gust of wind blows Akreien's webbed bed a bit and throws him sideways and he falls out of the tree. Instead of falling painfully he sticks a really neat landing unscathed by anything. 

 "Jeez.. that wind really doesn't like anyone today huh?"He then looks at Auration as he puts his spine back In place and blinks. Thinking it wasn't a real thing before climbing up the tree again, he accidentally steps on something spikey and alive on the way up and kills it. He's in a bit of pain as he whines softly while secreting venom on the creature. Its blood changed colors from dark green to bright cyan."Huh.. another one of those weird bugs.."

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