Chapter Twelve- Undying Forest of Myths

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Vokiaus sleeps peacefully undisturbed before slouching over on the throne and his guards not noticing. He seemed really sleepy for some odd reason but nonetheless was getting some sleep It looked uncomfortable however.


Ljusets looks over and sees that Vokiaus is sleeping in such an uncomfortable position. She winces a little and goes over to him, her love potion-like scent still pretty strong but not overwhelming. She strokes his head gently to see if he could wake up enough to adjust himself. Then she shakes her head and softly lifts him off the throne and takes him back into her burrow. 

<Love, you need to rest. I can see you are sleepy...> She murmurs to him softly as she tucks him into the cloud-soft bed. She also gives him a gentle good night kiss on his forehead. 

 "S...Sweet... sweet dreams, Vokiaus." Ljusets whispers and stands to watch guard.


Vokiaus sleeps peacefully and happily, undisturbed as Ljusets guards him. His guards back off and later guard the outside of Ljusets burrow. Some wood work was heard outside as it seems as they're building above it to make it a special building for extra security and shelter; the ground being changed from dirt to literal hardwood flooring that meets the hole; a silk frame was made around the hole to make it look fancy along with a silk; dirt mix trap door is made.Above next to the trap door was two stands for guards, two chairs and of course the option to stand. 

Time passes however to morning.


By the time it becomes morning, Vokiaus can hear Ljusets's voice from a distant outside as she speaks her foreign language to the other hunters and guards. She laughs to all the jokes as a large and meaty thud occurs. 

 She has brought another huge haul to the camp. 

 She yawns as she enters back into her burrow, checking to see if Vokiaus has woke up yet. 

<Good morning, Vokiaus. I hope you have slept well.> She says in a gentle, soft and motherly tone as she walks through the burrow tunnel.


Vokiaus slowly wakes up and stretches before getting out of bed. He knew where he was and didn't mind at all. He thought to himself it's Ljusets being the huntress she is and how dedicated she is to keeping him safe ever since the incident. 

"Ahh.. Morning Ljusets."He says before walking out, confused about the structure but shrugs and thinks nothing of it as she rightfully deserves that fancy of a home as he heads out and is shocked about the food. He heads over to see some people eating and some food being ready for him, until he sees a awfully abusive mother, taking her children's food and belittling them as they looked like they were starving. Vokiaus was absolutely sick of them and walks over angered and grabs them by the neck. 

 "What did I say LAST TIME!? YOU TREAT EVERYONE LIKE FAMILY YOU GLUTTONOUS PIG!"he throws them on the ground brutally as the young spiders scurry to go behind Vokiaus. 

"You do NOT belong to bear the title Huntsmen, Therefore I banish you from these lands. Either you leave right now or I'll execute you and feed you to the tribe!"He says angrily as they get up and hiss at him before lunging. Vokiaus then readies himself and grabs them into a headlock as everyone watches, before snapping her neck and tossing them aside. 

 "I will NOT tolerate younglings being treated like they're worthless let alone ANYONE here! We're all family!"Everyone nods slowly and quietly before resuming eating as Vokiaus picks up the kids and holds them to him. He sits down with his food, them giving it to them. 

 "Eat up young ones.. you're no longer going to be under that vile bitches supervision, I'll find you parents and odds are they'll be wolf spiders, you'll be very loved."He says to them gently and runs his hand down the back of one and gently scritches another's head as they rest against him and eat, feeling safe.


Ljusets watched the entire time, feeling absolutely nervous yet relieved that she wasn't like that abusive mother. She was also glad her mother in the past was never like that to her or her siblings. She didn't really notice that her burrow became fancier. She walks up to Vokiaus and the children, her scent still love potion-like and beautiful. She sits next to the children eating and strokes each of their heads softly while singing a song in Swedish. Her voice is beautiful like a gentle snowing day. 

 She looks up at Vokiaus as she sings assuringly and gently to the children, comforting each one. One child went up to her and crawled into her lap to enjoy her song as her very soft fluff. She gently cradles them while singing. 

 <Young one, you are a special blessing like your friends and family. This camp is very special as you are too. Anything bad happens you come to me or Vokiaus.> she whispers to the child. She doubts they'll understand her, but she still tries her best to sound motherly regardless of what language she speaks.


Some wolf spiders came over to adopt the children, already feeling parental instincts kicking in as each child finds their new parent as they keep them close. 

 "Thank you, give these children loving homes, you've always been the caretakers of the Huntmen and we appreciate you and your species for being one of the many back bones of our camp."They nod and take them home with full bellies. 

 "You surely have the capability to soothe younglings, Ljusets. I'm impressed. A huntress knows how to cater younglings and hunt, for she is a parent at heart but also a hunter."


Ljusets smiles and gently wraps an arm around Vokiaus's back. 

 <I've been learning about my own form of parenting when I lived alone after my mother passed away. Children deserve gentle and tender love.> Ljusets says softly and takes out a small picture frame with a well-drawn sketch. 

 It's a drawing of Ljusets when she was younger and a young False Vessel child. She then blushes and looks at Vokiaus. The feeling in her heart and mind grows and grows... she's in love with Vokiaus more. But, how should she ask him...? Was she going to get rejected? Would she get rejected? Or would he accept her? To distract herself, she shakes her head-- looking quite fatigued. She sighs softly and shakes her large rump to ruffle out her fluff. 

 "I'll hunt more. Our tribe needs a large food storage to completely prevent the famine from happening again." Ljusets says brokenly, still not completely understanding her own way of speaking the new language.

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