Chapter 12: And the Winner Is...

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The spaceship landed and we all came back in more than one piece. Well most of us did. I got so motion sick that I had to run to the bathroom every 30 minutes.

"Okay guys, is that the end of the plane ride from hell?" I asked barely able to stand.

"Uhh Tess," Kris said.

"What?" I asked.

"You've got a little something something in your hair," Kris said awkwardly.

I slowly turned my head and I found a small hunk of vomit in my hair! I was so disgusted that I quickly ran back to the bathroom to clean it off.

"Attractive," Starlord said sarcastically.

Kris walked towards the door while everyone else slowly made their way back to the Avengers tower.

"Come on Tess everyone else has left the spaceship already!"

"I'm not leaving until you can promise I'll never have to see them again!" I cried out.

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad!" Kris said supportively.

"Oh yeah! I heard Starlord's comment! The first time I went to talk to him I overheard him say how he hates it when desperate singles try to hit on him and now he thinks I'm some disgusting sicko!"

"Oh stop being such a drama Queen! I thought you were with Logan anyways." Kris said.

"We mutually called it off because he had to go back to Professor X. And I wanted to prove that I'm a strong independent woman who doesn't need a man to complete me but the puke just makes it seem like I'm some loser!" I complained some more.

"Look I'm sorry that you called it off but if you don't hurry up and get out of the gosh forsaken spaceship, we are going be late for the final meeting to see who gets hired. And you know what I'm like when I'm late!" Kris warned.

I slowly hobbled out of the bathroom with my teared stained face and my vomit smelling hair. "Okay you're right, how do I look?" I asked while sniffling my look.

Kris had a big fake grin on her face. "You look great!" She said trying to be encouraging. "Now let's go!"

We both walked out of the spaceship and we were greeted with a huge applause by the entire Avengers team and the whole group of trainees.

"What's going on?" I asked Kris.

Before he could answer we saw Jojo and Kitty running up to us.

"Did you guys hear?!" Kitty exclaimed.

"No that's why we asked! Obviously," Kris said.

"We won! They announced as soon as we got off the spaceship!" Jojo said excitedly.

"What! When did this happen?" I asked in disbelief.

"Right as you went to wash the puke out of your hair," Starlord answered.

I gave him a death glare. "Gosh why are you so annoying!"

"Someone has to be. But seriously though congratulations, you guys did a good job rescuing us," Peter said in an actual nice tone.

"Kris! Tess! There you are! I've been looking all over for you guys. The reporter wants to take a picture for the paper about our new recruits." Tony said.

Before I could protest the whole gang and all of the original avengers came to get out picture. I really wished I had a comb and a mint at that moment because I just knew what my mother would say if she saw my state of appearance.

"We also wanted to host a party tonight to celebrate the people on our new A team. And I was wondering if Kris wanted to go with me as my date?" Thor asked.

Kris literally jumped up in the air. "Yes I'll go with you!"

I was happy for Kris but I also thought I saw Tony sulk in the background just a little bit. Before I could dwell on it too much I saw mean girl Jen stomping her feet towards us.

"You might have won this battle but this will not be the last you've seen of me! You will pay for what you've done!" Jen yelled before making a dramatic exit.

"Woah," I muttered.

"Yeah, she definitely looks like she suffers from borderline personality disorder," Kris joked.

"I was thinking the same thing!" I exclaimed.

"Our mental synchronization can have but one explanation," we both sang and laughed afterwards.

"Oh please, and I was just starting to warm up to you kid," Quill said while rolling his eyes.

"Well it's a good thing you aren't, because after tonight's party I won't have to see your face ever again!" I sassed back while Quill pretended to be hurt.

"Come on you two let's get ready for the party!" Kitty said.

"Coming! Tess how serious do you think that Jen girl was?" Kris asked me.

"I don't know, but hopefully Quill isn't the only person I won't be seeing after this party tonight."

The new "A" team Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora