Chapter 3: new groups

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"Wow your guys powers are pretty awesome!" Kitty exclaimed.

"What are yours?" Kris asked.

"I'm a shapeshifter and I can turn invisible whenever I want," Kitty answered.

"Cool, so you're like Harry Potter and Regina Mills all in one character!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah well that's not as cool Wolverine 2.0 and Mini Zeus." Kitty said.

"Now we are passing our incredible IT department." Pepper said.

"Is their advice to turn our computers off and on?" I whispered sarcastically to Kitty and Kris.

They snickered under their breathe.

"Each group is also going to get one avenger that is assigned to them. They will be kinda like your group leader and they are who you'll report to. Any questions so far?" Pepper announced

"Yes I have one. I was just wondering if we would also get one on one leaders as well as group leaders?" This guy with light, curly, brown hair asked at the front.

"That is an excellent question." Pepper said.

"Kiss ass," Kris mumbled.

"Yes but a kiss ass would be great on one of our teams." I said.

"So each group is going to get one leader assigned to them, you will all individually have your own mentor, and you will recieve sessions with each Avenger. Whether that is group training or one on one training. We want you guys to feel prepared." Pepper answered. "Now let's get on with the groups. Each group will go with their team leader back to their living quarters as well."

"This is it! I hope we are all in the same group." I said to Kris and Kitty. Kitty has long dirty blonde hair, pale porcelain skin and she is from the UK.

"Me too!" They both responded at the same time.

They announced Bucky's group, black widows, sam's, hulks, and Ant-man's group. The next one they were announcing was captain America's.

"I really want to be in his group. I've had a crush on him for so long!" Kitty said.

"With an ass like that who wouldn't?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Plus he would be a really good instructor for you Tess! He's one of the best fighters." Kris said.

"And those are the names in Steve's group," Pepper said.

"Dang it! We are not in his group!" Kitty pouted.

"And now moving into Tony's group. When I call your name come up to the front. Amelia, Jenny, Josiah, Kitty, Kris, and Tess." Pepper announced.

"Yes!" We all exclaimed and high fived each other as we walked to the front.

"Hey it looks like the kiss ass is in our group!" I said a little too loudly to Kris and Kitty.

"Hey I have a name and it's Josiah," he said hurt.

"Sorry! I said that way too loud and I meant it as a good thing. We need to suck up as much as we can to get ahead!" I said.

"That's what she said," Kris laughed.

"I was thinking the same thing!" Jenny said in between laughs as we all walked up towards Tony.

We followed him to what we assumed was our apartment base. The room had giant windows that opened up to a great porch with lounge chairs and a hot tub. The living room was filled with sleek, grey couches with a modern kitchen that had a stainless steel fridge. There were 6 rooms with three on each side of the giant windows. Tony Stark sat on the couch and motioned us to sit down as well.

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