Chapter 18: Lost in the woods

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So for the rest of that night we planned out our perfect escape route. But since we didn't want to give away our plan we had one last day of pretending that everything was normal. So that meant we had one day more of surfing and relaxing on the beach before we got back to the real world. Peter and I surfed all morning and Kris and Happy joined us in the afternoon.

By that time I wanted to relax a bit so I decided to go back to my book while relaxing on the beach. I also wanted to see if Kris' surfing improved at all. I was shocked when I actually saw her stand up and not fall down right away.

"Since when did you learn how to surf?" I asked when she was finished.

"Since this scene apparently," she answered.

"Well I'm happy for you, mostly because of the fact that Happys ankles are actually in the water!" I joked.

"Yeah! That's the most I've seen him in the water this whole time!" Peter laughed as he sat down beside me.

As he sat down though, he ended up squishing my poor hand on his way down!

"Ahh my widgie! My poor widgie!" I screamed.

"Look at you picking up the language! Also quit whining your body will heal itself in no time!" Kris said having no time for my pity party.

"Yeah you're right! Well the sun is reaching its peak so I better get going," I said before leaving to check that I had everything I needed for tonight.


That evening Kris and I met up at the exact same time as the night before.

"You ready?" She asked.

"Yep! I have to say all this master planning is making me feel like I'm in a mission impossible film." I answered before breaking out into the theme song.

"Tess focus! We don't want to waste what precious time we have!" Kris hissed.

"Your right! Let's do this!" I exclaimed.

I grabbed Kris hand and before I knew it she was teleporting us back to New York. When I opened my eyes I noticed we were nowhere near the avengers tower.

"Kris! Where are we?" I demanded.

"Well I guess my powers aren't as strong as I thought they were." She answered.

"You think! Okay this is fine. Just bring out you're phone and it will show us the way," I said.

"Why can't we just use yours? It has the better google maps anyways," Kris said.

"Uhh I actually forgot to charge my phone," I answered sheepishly.

"What?!? How did this happen?" Kris asked clearly outraged.

"Well you know, when I went to bed last night it said I still had like 60% left so I thought it would be okay. And then I was going to charge it earlier but we got caught up surfing and it was hard to get anything prepared without Peter following me around." I answered.

"Yeah I think he's formed a little crush on you by the way. " Kris said.

"I would never do that to Jen plus I only have eyes for Starlord," I stated.

"And the fact he is quite a bit younger so it would be icky, and illegal," Kris said.

"Yeah that. But by the time I remembered to charge it, it was time to go and I realized it was dead. Where's yours?" I asked.

"I actually forgot mine," Kris answered. Now it was her turn to be embarrassed.

"And got so mad at me! At least I brought mine!" I exclaimed.

"Whatever! Plus these were only phones that Tony lent us so we wouldn't get tracked so it's not like I lost my real phone!" She said trying to make up her forgetfulness.

"Okay so we have to get back to avengers towers without getting noticed. And we have to find our way out of Central Park first. You know what this means?" I said hinting that there was a song lyric coming.

"No don't even! We don't have time!" She exclaimed.

We are lost in the woods! I sang, breaking out into frozen two again.

"Come let's try to find a taxi, put your hood on so no one recognizes you," Kris said.

"Come on, I know you want to join in," I suggested.

It didn't take long fir her to break down. "Now I know that your my true North cause I'm lost in the woods!"

"Haha that was awesome! But now we look like muggers in these hoodies," I said sadly.

"Better muggers than flashers, let's go!" She said.

So by the time it took us to find our way out and a taxi. A significant amount of time went by. The taxi brought us to the Avengers towers, or what use to be the avengers towers.

"What happened here?" I asked.

"I don't know," Kris answered.

"I know you don't know, I wasn't talking to you," I said.

"Well than who are you asking?" Kris asked.

"I'm not sure, I was just verbalizing my thoughts. Come one let's go inside." I insisted.

When we got inside the entire building was destroyed and there were no signs of the rest of the avengers. All of sudden we could hear what we thought was Tony's voice trying to come through one of the speakers.

"Tony! Tony is that you?" Kris asked.

"Kris! Tess what are you doing there?" Tony asked.

"What happened to the tower?" Kris asked.

"Listen I'll explain later! They set up a trrrr" Tony answered.

"Tony come again? You cut off!" I yelled.

"Ha that's what she said!" Kris snickered.

"Haha good one, but really what did you say?" I asked.

By the time he came in again we could hear him yelling. "Get out of there! It's a trap!"

Before we could make run for it to the door we were greeted by Loki and Jen once again.

"I knew they would come back, how predictable!" Jen sneered.

"What did you guys do to our friends?" I yelled.

"Tsk tsk, you should be less concerned about your friends and more concerned about yourselves." Loki threatened.

Then out of nowhere Jens laser extremities hit me in the chest. The next moment I was hit with total darkness.

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