Chapter 7: Stations

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"I just can't get this fricken plane off the ground!" Jojo yelled out of frustration.

We just arrived at our first station which was flight. We were all put in a mock airplane which reminded me a lot of Apollo 13, and then we were all taught which buttons would control certain aspects of the plane.

"Also why do I have to learn this if I'm not training to be a flippin pilot!" Jojo yelled again.

"Whoa! Cool it hot stuff, we are not suspecting profession right away. Usually you are all given a pilot for your missions, we just have to see if any one can learn the skills from your team if you were in a life or death situation." Carol Danvers said.

"I still can't believe Captain Marvel is teaching us flight right now!" I gushed.

"Yeah! I can't believe I'm failing flight in front of her right now!" Jojo said out of frustration. "That's it! I quite! Amelia you try."

"Sure, you see a plane is just like a computer, you have to know the right buttons to press and then it will operate. And viola!" She exclaimed as she was flying the simulated airplane.

"Is anyone else finding it extremely ironic that the person whose powers are flight, can't actually fly a plane?" I asked.

The rest of the group laughed and so did Captain Marvel herself.

"Hey, don't worry about it kid. We can't all be perfect at everything." Carol said trying to comfort Jojo.

"Except for the fact that you can fly yourself and a plane!" Jojo whined.

"Jeez if this is how you handle failure I would hate to see what you got throughout school." Kris muttered.

"Once in university I got an A- on my term paper!" Jojo exclaimed.

We all stared at him confused at first.

"You guys don't understand but that grade is completely unacceptable! I might as well have dropped out!" He whined.

"Oh stop being such a drama king!" I said patronizingly.

"Tess is right, plus you guys are due at the first aid station." Captain Marvel said.

"I wonder who this is lead by?" Jenny asked.

"Oh my gosh it's by Captain America! Twice in one day how lucky are we!" Kitty exclaimed.

"Hello team Sta-

"Don't say it!" Kris yelled.

"Right. Well I'm going to be going over wound care with you guys. I'm going to show you clean and sterile techniques for dressings and how to put in makeshift staples." Steve informed.

"I did this in nursing! Well not applying staples but besides that. Also why do we have to go through this if I can heal people because of my powers?" I asked.

"Because what if a team mate is hurt and you are not around to help?" Cap asked.

"Good point, let's get started!" I answered.

"Okay I have some fake wounds with fake blood that we will use." Steve said.

"Oh my gosh I think I'm going to throw up!" Kitty exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Jojo asked.

"I have a fear of blood. It makes me nauseous whenever I see it." Kitty answered.

I saw Steve write something down on his tablet when Kitty said that. "But you can still be here for the lecture?" I asked hoping that we wouldn't be considered weak since Kitty couldn't handle blood.

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