"Kai, get up!" I say as the excited dog licks me more.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what got into him!" A voice says as they pick the dog off me.

Me and Kai quickly stand up and I wipe the slober from my face.

"It's fine." I say as Kai puts his arm around my neck.

"Yea, he isn't even my dog, he's my friends." He chuckles as he looks down at the shaking dog.

"Oh." I don't care.

"Do- do I know you? You look familiar to me." He says. I don't seem to reconize him but maybe becuase the lighting isn't so good and it is dark.

"I don't think so." I say before noticing the tattoo on his arm. Ever since I got mine I've been so intrigued in other peoples tattoos and always want to ask them about it and this guy seems friendly enough. "Oh, nice tattoo." I say moving to look at it.

"Oh, thanks, it's not finished yet though." He says as I look at it.

It looks like his skin is ripped and under it it is like a book with a few small words but you can tell that the writing isn't finished.

"It looks so realistic, where did you get it done?"

"At a shop a couple towns over, by a guy named Bobby." He says and a giant smile grows across my face.

"Seriously? Is he kinda tall and has black hair-"


"I go to him! He does all my tattoos, I just got this on actually, I think on Wednesday." I say unzipping the jacket and showing him the smallest of my collection, that is on my side.

"This I got and almost messed up when he was doing it because I sneezed." I chuckle as he looks at it.

"Can I have my jacket back?" Kai complains as we continue talking about them.

"Yea, sure." I say taking it off and getting back to talking about my small tattoo.

"No way! You are the guy in the picture! I love your sleeves, Bobby was bragging about it and I wanted to meet you so badly!" He gushes as he grabs my arms and look at them.

"Suho! Did you find him?" A voice calls.

"Yea, come over here!" He calls back, "do you care if I show my friend? These are really amazing, how long did it take?"

"About thirty-five hours all together. I had about three hour sessions." I say as the friend comes over to us and puts a coller on the dog.

"Dude, look, this is the guy Bobby was telling us about when we went to get my tattoo." He says as the taller man glances at my arms.

Kai quickly wraps his arm back around my neck like he is trying to claim his property making me chuckle slight as they continue looking at my arms.

"Long time no see." He says to the other man.

I sigh as I grab the box of cigarittes out of his back pocket and put one in my mouth. I throwing the empty box on the ground and getting his lighter and flick it trying to light it.

"You took my last." He says.

"I'll get you more, I have some in the car." I say, hoping Kris got it.

"So, how have you been? It's been what? A year since I saw you last." Kai says in a mocking tone.

"Yea, fine, is this your new sex toy for the night?" The man snaps making me choke on my spit.

It Will Never Be The Same (boyxboy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang