Are you okay?

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A/N: I'm sorry for not updating. I've had a ruff past two weeks... Nothing has gone to plan. I enjoy making you guys happy as I update these chapters. If all goes well, this should be a nice, long book. :3


Mike drove down the road, Sara in the back seat, laying down, out. Mike kept glancing back at her. "Come on... Sara... Don't give out now...." He whispered. Yeah, he just met her... But he didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

Mike arrived at the hospital, and quickly got Sara and ran inside. "Help! She was attacked!" He yelled out, her head hanging out by his arm.

Nurses ran over and had her placed on a bed. They rushed her into a room, but they stopped Mike from following. 

"Sir, we're going to have to ask you to stay back and answer a few questions." A nurse said, stopping him. "Uh... yeah... Sure.." He whispered, watching Sara disappear around a corner. He looked down at the nurse. 

"Sir, are you okay?" The nurse asked. Mike was in a daze, confused on what just happened. The nurse led him to the waiting area, as two young men, who were dressed in white, doctor's most likely. "Sir, can you tell me your name?" They asked. "M-Mike." He answered. "What was the young girl's name that you brought in?" Mike was quick to answer. "Sara." 

"What's your relation to the girl?" Mike faltered. "She... She was my new boss, I guess. We were at a meeting.... and we were attacked..." The two men nodded. "What the the person look like? The one who attacked?" Mike furrowed his brows. "He was wearing a mask... I didn't get a good look." He said, which was true... The thing that attacked them did wear a mask... He couldn't say an animatronic device attacked them...

"Okay, Sir. I'm sure your boss, Sara, will be alright. We have a team with her, checking her out. We'll return with any news." The shorter of the two men said. Mike nodded, "Thanks."

~An Hour Later~

"Mike Schmidt?" Mike jumped up, looking around. "Yes?" He called. "Sara is in good condition. She was hit in the head pretty good, but nothing too serious. She'll be fine. We need to keep her over night, just for safety if we missed over something." Mike nodded, "Thanks." He said. He was finally able to leave, knowing Sara was alright. He decided he'd go back and tell the group that Sara would be fine. 

~Back at the resturaunt~

Mike ran inside, everyone gathered around Freddy. "Mikey, me first mate! He returned!" Foxy yelled out. "Uh... Mike... Where's Sara?" Bonnie's smooth voice asked. "She's alright... I promise. She's at the hospital resting. She'll be back either tomorrow or the day after. She's okay." 

Everyone nodded, smiling at Mike. "Okay... But I know something... We need to move the resturaunt... And close this building up for good." Freddy said. Mike nodded. "I'm sure Sara would do that... We need to get rid of the yellow bear... before he hurts someone else..." Mike said, as everyone agreed. 

Mike left, thinking over the night. He was involved now... He couldn't leave... And Sara needed him. He couldn't leave her... And though he meet her mere hours ago... He felt like he knew her. She was... Familiar.... How did he know her... 

It hit him... He remembered Sara... She was his- ...

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did, You know what to do. Show your love. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2015 ⏰

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