I Want To Be Your Friend

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"I found them!" Sara's voice rang through, as Charlie slowly walked into the room. Terrified eyes fell on Sara and Charlie, as Freddy stood. "What are you two doing here?" He asked, his voice more terrifying with the scruffiness of his voice. His golden eyes fell on Sara. "Freddy..." She whispered, a small smile sparked on her face. "Its good to see you again." She whispered. "Bonnie..." She then whispered, "Chica..." The looked at Bonnie, then Chica. "And Foxy." She said, and went to walk over to Foxy, but Freddy stepped in front of her. "Why are you here?" Freddy asked again, his voice deeper. "To restore you guys. To bring this place back... Have kids come back..." Sara said. Chica let a mechanical sound out, before mumbling, "I don't want the kids back." She said, looking at her feet. She thought they were annoying, but deep down, she did truly miss them. "They don't even remember me." Foxy mumbled. "I'm broken." He grunted. "I'm going to fix you, Foxy." Sara whispered. "I hired advanced mechanics to work on you four." She said, smiling. "We'll also be scrubbing clean on your suits, making you look new." She added, trying to make them feel better. Foxy looked up with a small, hopeful expression. "I'll be fixed..." He mumbled, a small smile on his face. "Yes... People are coming in tomorrow... They'll be helping you... Fixing parts, and rewriting your chips." She finished. "Wait..." Bonnie said. "Rewriting as in... We wont remember everything that has happened so far? Erasing our memories?" She asked, looking up. "No... No... Just giving you now songs and stuff like that. You'll still be the same but with added memory to the chip." Sara answered, stepping back.
Foxy had a dead stare on Sara, his eyes locked on her. She'd be able to fix what happened long ago... She'd be able to fix him when he was torn apart. He closed his eyes, as the memory crawled back. He shook his head, trying to rid the memory. 'No... No... No...' He thought.
It was mid July, 1987, Foxy was sitting in Pirate's Cove, preparing for his show at 5:00. He decided his act for the day, which would be to sing a song with the children outside the curtain. When the show started, a wave of kids massed around the stage, eager to watch his performance. After the song was over he decided to play some games with the kids while Chica was preparing the pizza. So he asked "What games would me Matey's want to play today?" The majority of them said hide and seek, so Foxy hopped off the stage and started counting, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.". When he finished counting, Foxy jumped up and screeched, "I'm coming for ya!" and started running, Bonnie and Freddy glared at him as if he had gone mad, which was normal. The others never seemed that fond of him, since he was built about a year after them all. They tended to stay away from his curtain at night as they wandered about, and he could hear them talking about him outside, saying things like, "Not normal" or ,"A waste of time and effort", but he learned to ignored them. After the game, Foxy sat down with the kids and asked what they wanted to do next, one kid said, "Let's have a pizza eating contest!" Foxy agreed, and when Chica brought out the pizza, he asked her to bring it to our table for our contest. During the contest, Foxy realized he had forgotten one of the kids during hide and seek, so he said he had to go find something, and left to go find the kid. After a few minutes of searching, Foxy found the kid hiding in the storage closet, and when he went to congratulate her, Foxy had tripped on a box of pizza dough. While falling the kid tried to catch him, going near his mouth to lift up his head when he fell. He started to yell for her to get out of the way, but it was too late... Foxy had not only fallen on her, but his gaping mouth had fallen on top of her head, his teeth started to feel warm and as he looked down, h .saw that he had bitten her. As she started to scream and cry, Foxy heard panic filled voices approaching the door, the girls mom ran in to find him standing above her daughter, with blood dripping from his fangs. As she shrieked Freddy entered the room, looking t The girl and then glancing t them ,and Foxy knew what he had assumed. Before he had the chance to explain what had happened,Freddy grabbed Foxy by the neck, And dragged him back into the dining area, and then threw him back into Pirate's Cove, and told him never to step or look outside of his curtain again. Later that night he heard a banging sound outside of his curtain, and he peeked out and saw Freddy putting up a sign in front of his curtain saying "Sorry! out of order." When Foxy asked him, "Why are you putting that here?" He said,"You'll see," and grabbed him, punching Foxy, then throwing him onto the floor, causing his covering to tear, revealing his metal endo-skeleton, he then said," You will NEVER be one of us."and proceeded to stomp on him while Bonnie and Chica watched horrified on the stage, unable to stop the ragging Freddy.
~End of FlashBack~
When they officially closed Freddy Fazbear's pizza, Freddy had ]slowly forgiven Foxy, and in return, Foxy slowly forgave Freddy. They weren't as angered at each other, but they were closer than before, and now that Freddy had eye's on Bonnie, Foxy had grown a liking on Chica, who was always with Foxy when she could be. And now, after long years, Foxy would be fixed. He could wait.
"But..." Sara broke the silence. "There will be new additions to this place... And a new animatronic." Sara finished. "Who?" Freddy asked. "Kit Kat." Sara said. "The kitty cat."
Author's Note: The flashback is not my work. The flash back was written by my friend, FoxythePirateFox.

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