~ Ma Belle Evangeline ~

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Marinette hummed to herself a little tune while she picked up some more ingredients from up in the tree and collected what she needed for her "swamp noodles" as she liked to call them. Thankfully, she found some peppers growing at the top so she ripped them off of the stems and held them close together.

Meanwhile, Adrien was at the bottom attempting to cut up the mushrooms. He held the blade and pressed it against the squishy vegetable as he tried cutting through it.

It was so hard for him that he even managed to break a sweat while cutting through half of it, since the boy had never done a single ounce of work before in his life. He continued to press the blade until the first piece finally cut and fell to the side.

"One..." Adrien sighed heavily and noticed Marinette put on a fire underneath the pumpkin she used as a pot to get the water boiling

"Step aside, mister" Marinette said walking over behind Adrien and took the blade from his grasp

"Watch and learn..." She said softly taking the mushroom and effortlessly cutting it into tiny little pieces leaving Adrien amazed

" She said softly taking the mushroom and effortlessly cutting it into tiny little pieces leaving Adrien amazed

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"Oh! Alright..." Adrien whispered to himself while Marinette took another mushroom and placed it in front of him to cut

The girl went over behind and Adrien and placed her hands on top of his to guide him through the process. Adrien was caught off guard by this in which he let out an awkward laugh at the sudden advances.

Marinette then pressed on the mushroom with her hand over his making the cutting much easier to the point where she stepped aside and let him do it on his own

"There you go..." Marinette said softly and stepping beside him

"You know, I've never done anything like this before" Adrien started while continuing to cut as Marinette rounded up picked up the clump of cut of mushrooms from before

"Woah, really?" Marinette added with a hint of sarcasm as she walked away

"Alright alright, but when you live in a castle, everything is done for you, all the time. I mean, they dress you, they feed you, drive you, and even brush your teeth" Adrien finished and motioned to his teeth

"Oh, you poor baby" Marinette said stirring in the pumpkin pot with water bubbling inside

"I admit, it was a very charmed and easy life until the day my parents cut me off, and suddenly I realized...I don't know how to do anything..." Adrien said as the tone in his voice started to get softer and gloomier and a frown came upon his face as well

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