~ A turn for the worst ~

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To say that Marinette was terrified would be an understatement. As soon as she heard words and actual movement coming out of the frog's mouth, she ran inside screaming but without looking where she was going causing her to crash into a tall shelf in the back of the room.

All of the items that were displayed on this shelf came down on the floor on top of the young girl. Once the tiny little frog realized what he'd done, he rushed to the girl's side.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" The little frog hopped from the ledge and closer to the girl

Marinette gained her composure and took one look at the frog before starting to throw all sorts of random items she had at her disposal such as books, stuffed animals and other miscellaneous things hanging around.

"I didn't mean to scare you! I- wait! no, no, no! Wait, hold on! " The frog said as it started to dodge the girl's reckless attacks

After a barrage of attacks from the girl with simply plushies and stuffed toys, the frog seemed to have no problem dodging the throws  by the girl in front of him who had her face as pale as a ghost.

"You have a very strong arm, Princess" The frog said as it leaned on one of the toys and smirked

That smile was quickly wiped off of his face as Marinette continued to throw things at the creature without stopping

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That smile was quickly wiped off of his face as Marinette continued to throw things at the creature without stopping. Before she could throw another one, she suddenly had in her grasp a stuffed monkey she had at her disposal.

"Okay! Put that monkey down!" The frog defended itself but the girl didn't listen and threw it at him anyway and he fell backwards due to the hit of the toy

"Okay! Put that monkey down!" The frog defended itself but the girl didn't listen and threw it at him anyway and he fell backwards due to the hit of the toy

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"S-Stay back! O-Or I'll...I'll-" Marinette said as she picked up a large book and raised it in the air signaling that she would hit the frog with it but deep down she knew she couldn't bring herself to do it

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