About the book

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Makeela's life was wonderful before it took a turn for the worse. Being the only daughter in a rich family, Makeela grew up being outspoken and confident, that she thought she could handle every situation coming her way easily. She quickly found out how wrong she was when she had her dignity taken away from her forcefully and had to marry the person responsible for everything, her rapist!.

Khalil Abdulrahman is a 23 year old who always felt out of place in his family. Hence, he grew up having anger issues that made him commit a sin, he regretted. He wanted to flee the country using his PHD as an excuse to escape incase he got caught but never had the chance as he instead got tied down to face reality.

Will Makeela be able to forgive Khalil for what he did to her?.

Will Khalil be able to face reality and completely rid the callous mind he has?.

Will the two of them be able to love each other under the circumstances that brought them together?

Amidst the painful feeling of bitterness, depression, blackmail and joyful celebration, the author unravels the mysteries surrounding both, Makeela and Khalil's life.

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