Chapter 2: The Right Thing To Do

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Word count: 3155

I hear Zekey let out a few barks. Rubbing my eyes to wake up, I see the half-furnished bedroom that's mine.

It's not the best decorated room I've seen, but it has everything a person would need. It's morning, and I sit up.

Light is streaming in through a slit in the curtains. Climbing out of bed, my balance slightly shaky, I fling open the curtains. Zekey jumps of the bed and let's out another yap.

"You ready for a new day, boy?" I smile, before running over to the door, pulling it open. He follows me.

Bounding into the small foyer, I see Mitchell come down the stairs, dressed for the day unlike me. "Oh, morning, Libby." He grins, stopping to give Zekey a scratch behind the ears.

"How are you liking the house so far? I'm sorry, we rushed you into bed last night, but me and Veronica were very tired last night. We needed sleep."

"I love it!" I respond just as I hear Veronica call from the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready!"

"Shall we?" Mitchell asks. I nod and prepare to step, but halt. "Something wrong?" He wonders. I gestute to the kitchen. "Oh, no, no. Lady and dog first, I insist." He smiles.

I nod gingerly and go before him. All of us walking into the kitchen, I see grilled tomato and cheese sandwhiches.

"I haven't got alot of ingredients right now, but I promise the meals will be better in the coming days." Veronica appolgizes.

"It's okay, I understand. We just moved in. It was nice of you're friend who set up the house for us to leave a few food items." I tell them.

"Aw, you're so sweet." Veronica tells me. "What did you say his name was again?" I ask.

They both raise an eyebrow. I feel like they don't want me to ask.

"We didn't..." They say together.

"I'm sorry." I say quickly and slide into a seat, beginning to eat. They join me, but not before dishing out some dog food for Zekey.

"So, what's the agenda for today?" I ask. "Uh, I was thinking we just stay home. We still really need to finish setting up our room and the lounge upstairs. They weren't done in time for our arrival." Veronica tells me. "Yeah." Mitchell says, mouth full of food.

"Do you want my help?" I ask.

"Oh, don't worry. We both will have a handle of it. You're big Sis and Bro will do everything for you so you don't need too." Mitchell says quickly, food no longer in his mouth.

I shrug.

"Why don't you read a book in your room quietly while we finish setting up?" Veronica suggests. "But I don't want to. We just moved here, can't we explore?" I beg.

They look at eachother, seemingly nervous. "Maybe we can let her in the backyard at the very least? Mitchell suggests. "She's bored."

"Please?" I beg, giving Veronica puppy eyes.

She sighs. "Okay, you can play outside. But backyard only, Libby."

"You can trust me!" I grin. "Alright." She says, clearing her plate and Mitchell's. I finish eating and Mitchell passes her mine.

"Libby, toilietries are in the small ensuite connected to your bathroom.

Can you shower and get dressed before playing outside?" Veronica asks, filling up the sink.

"Sure!" I tell her, heading off to my room, Zekey in toe. "Don't let Zekey in with you-" But it's too late for her to finish her setence as I close my door behind me.

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