Chapter 7 - Unraveling

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Stay with us, honey." I hear someone beg me and something is on my upper arm, tightening. "W-what?" I ask confused, opening my eyes which takes every inch of my willpower.

"She's with us." Someone else states. My vision is blurry, but I can see the inside of an ambulance and several paramedics looking over me. Two men and one woman.

"What happened?" I croak around, trying to sit up. "No, no. Stay liying down." The woman says, placing her hand on my shoulder to gently have me lie down again. "You were hit in the head with a door. Your friends explained to us what happened." The woman responds.

"Friends? Which friends?"

"Your friends."

"My head hurts, I-I have no idea. I don't understand!" I cry.

"That's okay, don't push yourself to remember." One of the male paramedics tells me. I try to sit up again slightly, feeling a stabbing pain in my chest and wince. All around me, everything is chaos.

The yard and house is a crime scene now. A police car is sitting right in-front of several ambulances. Mitchel and Veronica are in handcuffs, being pushed into the police car by an officer each. Our gazes only last a few seconds before the police car doors closes and they drive off.

Once it leaves my sight, I'm shocked to see Ian and Casey standing there, holding hands behind where the car was, the most grief-stricken look on their faces. "We're so sorry." They both choke out as they slowly walk towards me.

"What did you do?!" I scream at them just as I see Gwen and Maple step into view behind them. Ian and Casey don't know. Gwen and Maple shake their heads before walking away.

They were at the party? "Hey, come on. We need to get you to the Hospital. You're head is bleeding." The other male Paramedics tells me as he brings a gauze or something to my forehead. "Can we come with her? Please? She has no other family." Casey begs. "Oh, alright. But we need to call child services as she's without a guardian now." The female paramedic responds.

"Fine with us. No way this shit storm could get better or worse at this point." Ian shrugs, helping his sister into the ambulance before he climbs in too and we take off. I don't remember much after that as I'm starting to feel sick to my stomach and light-headed.


"17 year old female, Libby Biscuit hit in the head with a door. Has been passing in and out of consciousness. No difficulty breathing, no signs of pain or pierced skin. Could have a concussion."

"17 year old female, Shelby Brown. Suspected suicide attempt, fell off the 2nd floor of her house as reported by multiple witnesses. Is intoxicated, was found unconsciousness on the scene, no signs of impalement or difficulting breathing.

Minor bruising is present, any fractures are unknown."

"16 year old male, name unknown. Is in-toxicated and suspected to have taken an unknown drug. Was intubated on scene and discovered in a pool of his own vomit."

"I'll take Libby Biscuit. Treatmwnt six."

"Okay, Mel. Handover complete."


I drift in and out of consciousness for several hours, lying in a hospital bed. Ian and Casey have been sitting with me in the room I was given, but I was just not with it that I barely knew they were there till the fog started to lift really.


"Becky! Becky!" I cry back when I hear my name called, but she doesn't answer. I sit up in a panic and start to cry. "Becky?" Casey says again, walking up to my bedside. Oh, so it was just her calling my name...

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