Chapter 11 : Hidden eye's

Start from the beginning

  "It must of been Monopug, you know how much mess he makes," I replied, rolling my eyes. Jessica put her hand to her chin.

  "I guess so, but something don’t seem right about this place...” She moaned. 

 "If you’re going to be that superstitious then go talk to Maggie," I chuckled, but just received a menacing stare from Jessica.

  "Don’t worry, I know what you mean, it’s just as if someone else is here..." Nick stuttered, pushing up his glasses. I shrugged, but then noticed Adam walking over to a sewing machine.

  "What are you doing?" I asked, startling Adam.

  "Eek! I was just, um, going to check if these actually work, that’s all!" He instantly pulled his sleeves over his face. I let out an uncertain chuckle. Just as he said, Adam pushed the 'ON' button on the machine. It began to slowly boot itself up, followed by a series of mechanical noises. The needle bobbed up and down by itself, and the thread was being spun through the system in turn. "It actually works! I mean, uh, of course it works..."

  "I guess that good then," Nick replied, before noticing something out of place, "Hey, what is this shirt doing here?"

  Nick pointed over to a knitted sweater which was made up of a chunky green yarn. It seemed to be big enough to fit an average teenager. Nick went over and picked it up carefully, and inspected it closely. Everyone listened in closely to what he had to say.  I doubt it was Monopug made this, it looks completely perfect!" He exclaimed, his jaw dropping. Jessica and Adam both looked completely bamboozled, but not as confused as Nick.

  Heather quickly ran up and snatched the sweater out of Nick’s hands. She screamed and began to hug it furiously. If this was a video game, I could easily imagine love hearts suddenly sprout from above her head. Without any warning, she quickly pulled on the knitted sweater, and began to spring up and down. We all gave out a chuckle towards her crazy reaction...

  ???'s view ~

  I could feel my heart pounding loudly in my chest. I didn’t know what to do at all, I was too scared to move a single muscle. My body was surrounded in a pile of cloth, where I hid myself when I heard footsteps from outside.

  I only woke up a while ago, already scared out of my mind. Since I was trapped in a textiles room, I thought using my ultimate skill would take my mind off of things, but now it might lead to my capture. Who are these people? Did they bring me here? Why!?

  I began to panic, my eye's following the hyperactive pink girl. The boy in polka-dotted glasses seemed to be wondering towards my location, so I instantly held my breath. I didn’t want to die, not now, not without an explanation. I just sat waiting for them to leave, praying for them to leave me alone...

  Jessica's view ~

  After we all finished laughing at Heather's stupidity, we began to give the room a thorough look. Adam checked all the sewing machines, coming to a conclusion that every single one was working perfectly, and looked completely brand new. Heather continued to exclaim how amazing the sweater would look on her if it was pink, and Dylan was trying his best to take the sweater off her. 

  I called the group over to the big pile of cloth stacked at the side of the room, to announce my discovery. There was a pair of knitting needles with a piece of clothing being knitted onto it, as if the person was stopped halfway. 

  "So, I think we can say Monopug can’t knit, so who the hell did this?" Dylan said, pulling the yarn off the needle.

  "Hey, don’t do that!" I argued, pushing his hands away. An expression of shock was instantly placed onto Dylan's face.

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