Chapter 19 : Colours of Despair

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No-one's view ~

  Leaving the group in a mixed state of confusion and despair, the jet black screen ascended into the ceiling. The team stood idle, the last moments of Dylan’s existence burned into their brains. The thin layer of water trickled on the floor seemed to send shocks of frost up the statue-like pupil’s legs instantaneously. Monopug let out a prolonged sigh, his usual grim smirk spread across his face like butter.

  "Upupu! Goodbye Dylan! That was exciting was it not!?" Monopug chirped, rising his little fist into the air with triumph. The pupils stood dumbfound, struggling to comprehend the impossible situation.

  "ARRRRRRRG!" Alice suddenly yelped, tears pouring down her face like a waterfall. The sudden scream snapped the group to the grim reality of what just happened. 

  Maggie covered her red face: "This... is too much to handle...” Her breaths developed a translucent fog with every exhale from her shaky lips.

  "Tim, uh, I mean, Ty... I have a question" Nick gulped, his face tinged blue with guilt. Ty's red eyes darted at Nick, his nefarious expression warping into a grin. Ty nodded his head, signalling for Nick to continue his words. "If... Dylan killed Alfonso for finding out his secret... Why didn’t he kill you too?"

  Ty chuckled diabolically, his wide grin stretching from ear to ear. "Well, he did try to kill me! I simply spotted him in the medical room setting up the Persherin red herring, and he launched himself at me," Ty stopped, and pointed towards the purple hand marks printed onto his neck, "Idiot thought he strangled me to death, but I simply fainted, then the 'wimp' took over ~"

  Nick gulped, readjusting his glasses, which was placed delicately at the end of his sweaty nose. Geno gritted his teeth, but held back from conversation.

  "Now here’s the ultimate question, would you guys even of cared if you discovered Dylan's secret?" Ty smirked, licking his ruby red lips in anticipation. Maggie quickly intervened.

  "Of course not! We are friends!" Maggie shouted, a plug seemingly stuck in her throat. The reality hit the crew list a train. 

  "Dylan and Alfonso could still be alive if..." Adam jittered, "If Alfonso admitted everything was ok?"

  "This is Alfonso we are talking about, he wouldn’t have..." Alice started, her face still moist with residue tears. 

  Geno growled loudly, snatching the group’s attention: "Alfonso was more sensitive than he let out, ya' know? He wouldn’t have gone that far!” The ultimates stared at the ground, all depressed with despair. The exit doors swung open, allowing freedom to the main school building. The group quickly seized this opportunity, swiftly one-by-one exiting the court like room. Monopug waved at the despairing bunch, wheezing with laughter.

  As soon as the students stepped out the room, the floor began to furiously shake again, whirling the group around. The Monopug statue descended into the ground, and the immaculate stage once again appeared in its place, looking as if nothing had happened. 

  The gym looked strangely different from when they entered the court room. The floor, walls decorations all were tinted a deep brown. "The hell, this is not right!" Jessica moaned, wiping her finger against the now deep brown chairs.

  "Monopug was in the court all that time, so how could..." Nick questioned, inspecting the newly bronzed walls. 

   The now normal Tim called from the exit doors, "That’s not the only thing that has changed,” The hallways, much like the gym, was also tinted a new colour. The walls were splattered with a murky purple, and the floors copying the colour exactly. The freshly laid colours meddled with Adams mind, causing him to aggressively rub his eyes occasionally. 

  "I... uh, head hurts, Im going to my room..." Adam moaned, continuously rubbing his eyes.

  "I think that is best, it would be more difficult to investigate while worn out..." Maggie sighed, resorting to the exit doors. The group agreed and exited the oddly coloured gym and swamped into purple hallways. The journey back to the rooms was long, and drained the remaining energy from the group as fast as lighting. With one last wave, the ultimate’s split off to go to their respective rooms.

  "You have GOT to be kidding me!" Tim yelled, stepping back from his door. The group understood Tim's yell of anger instantly after opening their respective doors. Each room was splattered fully with a vibrant colour. The flamboyant colours gleamed through the doors, smoothing the walls with colours that danced around the shadows. The furniture in the rooms were completely replaced with a replica, except decorated to match the room's theme.

  "This Red hue is killing my eyesight, like c’mon!" Tim moaned, shielding his eyes from the red glow.

  "Hey, my room is red too!" Jessica cheered, giving Tim the thumbs up.

  Maggie put her hand to her brow, and stumbled backwards, "Mine and Minas are blue..."

  "I have got... green!? Eww! How disgusting!" Heather choked, pretending to be sick.

  Geno raised his hand: "My room is green as well, ya' not alone Heather..."

  "Mine is yellow... Like my hair!" Topher cheered, comparing his hair colour to the luminescent walls.

  "I have yellow as well..." Nick shrugged, protecting his glasses from the yellow flare.

  "That leaves me and polka dot dude with pink rooms," Alice cheered, adjusting her jacket slightly.

  "The question is, what do these colours mean? Monopug could not have done this for no-reason..."

  As if his name summoned him, Monopug raced down the hall like a blur, passing the wide open, colourful doors. "Upupu! Surprise!"

  "Monopug, what are the colours for?" Maggie asked glumly once again, rolling her eyes at the devious doll.

  Monopug sprang up from where he was sitting: "Oh yes, the coloured rooms!” Monopug grinned, baring his teeth. "These rooms are now special, I call them Secret rooms..."

  "But they are... our bedroom," Adam shook, biting his lip firmly.

  Monopug seemed to sink with stupidity. “Well yes, but allow me to explain... All of you guys have a matching colour room, yes? So, I thought of something... interesting..."

  Geno suddenly understood Monopug was leading to: "This is not ta' motive, right?!"

  Monopug ignored the tall man’s words, and continued with his explanation: "Well since you know so much, I will just shut up then! But let’s just say, more than one thing is going to revealed, Upupu!"

"Im sorry, I, uh, don’t follow..." Adam once again quavered, his teeth digging deep into his lip. Monopug rolled his fake eyes, and ignored Adam's whines. Monopug jumped up and dashed away down the purple corridor. A long silence followed the exit of Monopug, but the ultimate’s waved goodbye to the group, and entered their respective vibrant rooms...

  [[Hello again! Sorry for not updating in a millennium, just a lot of things going on :D I also apologise for the shortness of this chapter, but worry not! I will get back into the flow of things, I promise :) ]]

  [[Thank you so much for reading this chapter, if you enjoyed feel free to leave a comment or even give it a little like, until next time my freshly painted… door handles!]]

Dangan Ronpa: New DespairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora