Chapter 1- meeting 5sos

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Hi my name is Beth and I'm a 16 year old girl from America. I love dancing singing and gymnastics. I've been dancing since I was a little, think I was 3 when I started.. wouldn't quote me on it though. My high school teacher put me into a group of year 12 dancers when I was in year 10 because she thought I had such a high mark in dance. I guess I owe it all to my dance coach Abbey-Lee. She thought me everything I no!

I was at school one day walking into our preforming arts. Which is where we dance. I was first in which is great cause I get to be first pick of the lockers! Yay for lucky number 103. I don't know why that's my lucky number but what of it.. Everyone is different! We were all changing when our teacher walked in and pulled me aside. She told me that i don't have class next Thursday as shes entered our group into a contest. Which isn't rare it's happened so many times, I've lost count and I'm sort of sick of it. I finally got to go and join the class. We were learning a hip hop piece which was amazing Zoë was doing a great job! I love her she's one of my best friends! Our teacher lets us nominate people to choreograph a dance and show it to the class. Zoe's was favourite and she then had to teach it to us. It was grea and we learnt it within 2 classes.


It was Thursday and the whole group has been practising every recess and lunch for the whole week. We new the dance of the back of our hands with our eyes closed. We're like that. We've been thought to learn a dance with 3 lessons, so a week gave us ages to learn and make sure we know everything we could. I let the girls choose the song and I would choreograph the piece around that. The girls chose "18 and The Only Reason" by 5 Seconds of Summer. I love the band. So it was awesome that they chose them songs to use. We all got to school by 8:15am so we could get to the arena by 9:00am as it started at 11:00am and we still needed to get our costumes on and I had to do there hair and makeup. Which takes longer then 2hours, but oh well, teachers no best.
We got to the arena and ran into our green room and started to set up our mirrors and get everything sorted for the show. Our teacher still not telling us what it was for. Did I tell you I was sick. I don't think I did. I have cancer... Not the easy type to fight. But the hard type. I've had it for a good 3months fighting it with chemo and radiation for at least 2 months now. I was paranoid about loosing my hair and not being able to survive. But lucky I had an amazing crew that fed me well and I'm doing better, a lot better. Haven't lost any hair yet which I'm so thankful for! Anyways back to my story! We were asking her but she just wouldn't tell us. We were called for dressed rehearsals. While we were on the stage, we were going through the steps and spacings.. which is one of the most annoying and hardest things to do! Arggg it's just so frustrating!! The girls are amazing though! They would treat me like a normal person. not like everyone else! They treat me as a baby, just because I have cancer and it annoys the living hell out of me! I'm the same person I use to be before I had cancer! Stop treating me differently!! They where doing everything that I told them to and it felt awesome.
'hey beth?' Crystal asked
'Yeah, what's up?'
'Could we run through the dances again, just to make sure we have it down packed!'
'Yeah, sure' I said laughing, she said it in her retard voice which always makes me smile or laugh.
'MUSIC' I yell and 18 starts
'And 5,6,7 and 8' we run through both dances and then the music stops. We get together, laugh and drink water making this the funnest performance we have done. Suddenly I hear clapping. Just thinking it was our teacher, I continued talking. It was when the girls went quiet I turned around and saw Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood and Ashton Irwin. I nearly fell over my own feet...
'Thankyou!!!!' I said as if they were normal people. I was practically having a heart attack inside but wanted to act cool!
'No worries! Are you guys preforming tonight?'
'Yes, our teacher entered us into it but hasn't told us what it is!' I must of said in an annoyed voice because the boys smiled and ash laughed a little!
'Well, she seems like an awesome teacher, we have to go and get ready for tonight but good luck, and if you do exactly what you did on that stage before! You have a high change of winning!' And before I could ask what we would win.. they had walked off into the darkness.
'What the hell just happened!!' Emily said nearly crying. 'To be honest I have no idea, but now I have seen 5sos! We need to win!!'
'agreed!' They all said in unison
'Okay, let's take it from the top. 5,6,7and 8'
The music started and we kept at it for another 30mins.

|HEY GUYS HOW YOU DOING!!? This story is a fiction so it isn't true! I'm sorry if this hurts you in any shape or form as the Main character Beth has cancer but my best friends name is Bethany and this is a remake of her life... But she didn't meet 5sos or o2l or any of the other famous people... Haha
Thankyou for reading and it would be amazing if you could please fave and all that jazz for the next chapter!

If this chapter gets 10 votes I'll do the next chapter! Thanks again guys


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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