Narrow Escape

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Trigger Warning this chapter contains a near rape 

After Edward was done cutting hair for today he went to trim the rose bush on the side of the house. I went to the couch and started reading a book, when Jim and Kim walked through. I heard them go off to her room to have sex.

"Couldn't they do it in the van of something ?" I thought to myself. It disgusted me to know what they were doing, I knew he did not really love her and I knew that she did not really love him. They were never going to get married and never raise a family. Nothing good ever came out of there "relationship."

It was soon getting into the evening, the rest of the family was out and Kim and Jim were still going at it. I was still reading on the couch, I was soo into my book I didn't hear Jim walk into the room.

"What do you want?" I asked angerly.

"Kim went outside to get something she left out there."  He said with his eyes glued on me.


"Its just you and me." He said with a devious grin. He was right though, we were alone and it scared me. He began to walk over to me.

"Jim come on you have Kim in your life."

"Well the more the merrier." He said. In a flash he pined me to the floor and yanked my pants and underpants off, leaving me half naked. He made quick time of removing his belt and jeans while he began on his boxers. I was terrified thinking what was going to happen to me next. Tears ran down my face as I tried to protest but was met with a slap on the face. I began to cry out for help.

"EDWARD! HELP ME!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Edward heard my cries and burst into the living room pointing one of his blade to Jim's neck.

"Get off of her now!" He said in a voice I had never heard him speak in before. 

Jim backed up off me, picked up his pants and belt and left without one word.

"Oh E-Edward." I sobbed as he sat next to me, "I was s-so s-scared."

"Did he hurt you?" Edward said as he looked into my red eyes.

"Yes he did." I said showing him my red mark of my face. He motioned for me to sit in his lap, I did and I felt much better. I nuzzled into his neck as tightened his arms around me, carful not to cut me with his hands.

"Jim! Where are you I was ju- what happened here?" Kim asked as saw me sitting wit Edward half naked crying my eyes out.

"Jim almost raped June." Edward said was concern.

"He what?" Kim said in disbelief, she noticed the red mark of my face and knew Edward couldn't have done that.

Latter we told Mr. Mike and Mrs. Peg what happened.

"Oh June you poor thing, how terrible. Don't you worry Jim won't be coming over here anymore."

"It was Edward who saved me." I stammered through tears. 

"Edward did you save June?" Mr. Mike asked.

"I pointed at him and told him to get of her, and he did."

"Your a good man Edward you did the right thing, you will make a fine husband one day." Mrs. Peg said.

Edward and I glanced at each other and smiled, we knew one day would be very soon.

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