A Troubled Soul

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It has been about a year and a half since Boggs family have taken me in, they are very kind and accept me for who I am which is nice and not something that I had enjoyed while living with my parents. Gosh I still remember that day when found this kind family........

I was pouring down rain when I had reached Land O Lakes Florida, it was so far from where I had lived as I had come form Michigan. I couldn't stay with my family anymore the abuse was to much. Due to the sever emotional and physical abuse I had to leave, they never loved me. Everything I did was an excuse for them to hurt me in one way or another. They thought of them selves as 'perfect', so they wanted me to be just like the to a T. Only like the music they liked, only like the close they liked, only like the movies they liked, only do the activities they liked and so on. For years I had an identity crises, I didn't know who I was, I though I was only what they told me I was. So one day after they shamed me and abused me for watching a movie I liked and they didn't I thought enough was enough. So I packed up my suitcase and fled in the night. After about 2 weeks of hitch hiking I made it to Land O Lakes Florida, as mentioned before it was pouring rain and I wet, cold and starving. I looked around where I was, it was also the middle of the night. It was a residential area with many houses, most of them had there lights off so it was hard for me to see. However, I did see that one had its lights on and I staggered towards the lit house. When I reached the door I knocked lightly as I have quite hungry, I knocked so lightly I though that no one would hear, that was when the door opened to reveal a lady on the inside.

"Hello. Oh dear you look so cold do you want to come in?" The kind lady asked me I shook my head yes.

I was welcomed in and Miss Peg, what I call her, gave me a hot meal and gave a place to sleep. The next day she asked who I was and where I came from, but I was not quite sure about her yet so I stayed quiet. After being with abusive adults all your life I guess you are wherry around all adults. It took me while but I eventual opened up to her and her family, seeing as they would not hurt me or judge me. After a few months they introduced me to the rest of the neighborhood. There's Marge, Janice, crazy Esmerelda a few others and Joyce. I do not like Joyce and she dose not like me. Ever since I called her out for on hitting every man she meets even though she is married, it really disgusts me. And when I say she hits on every man I mean EVERY man! The man could be form 18 and up and she will hit him and she's like 40 something so gross. 

So the rest of the Boggs family: There's Mr. Bill (Mr. Boggs) he's kind like his wife, there son David and there daughter Kim. David is like any other 14 year old boy one might meet. Kim was 17 years old, same age as me, so she and I get along well for the most part.  For the most part. Thought Kim was most of the time a nice girl, her taste in friends however are less than desirable. There was Katie, who is just a blonde bimbo who will go along with anything. And then there's Jim, Kim's boyfriend, Jim is your stereotypical blond, rude,  jock guy. Thought he was Kim's guy he would sometimes make eyes at me that would make me feel sick and uncomfortable. Now Kim was not his first girl and Jim was not Kim's first boyfriend, so I knew that they would not be together for ever. But I really hate it how he sometimes looks at me and will occasionally overtly flirt me. But other than that they are a really kind family.

Now I had already graduated before I had come here, so I stayed home with Mrs. Peg while her kids went to school and Mr. Bill went to work. However I do like staying home, I paint,  I draw  I make jewelry and clay sculptures and sometimes I go with Mrs. Peg around town and help her pedal her Avon products. 

Sometime it dose get lonely though, and I do wish I had someone to be with me other than Mrs. Peg not that she's not nice, but sometimes I guess I wish I had someone. I would be lying if I said that I was not hopping that some day the perfect guy would come along, who would tell me that he loves for who I am and that he would cherish me and protect me forever. But not just any old guy, no, he has to be special.........

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