Someone Special

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Today started off like any old day, Mrs. Peg and I were out trying to sell some Avon products but we weren't getting any sales so far. Soon we came to Joyce's house, after we were turned down by Marge.

"Hello Joyce Avon calling." Mrs. Peg said sweetly.

"Why Peg have you gone blind clearly you can see that....."

As I listened to her I couldn't help but roll my eyes, I knew why that plumber was here and it wasn't because she actual needed his help.

"Yeah we get it Joyce, you want us to leave so you can TRY and get laid. Not that you will or anything." I blurted out feeling so annoyed by her actions. She got mad slammed the door in our faces.

"Gosh I'm sorry Mrs. Peg. I hope I didn't lose any sales for you."

"No that's ok dear, I know how she is and its uncomfortable for everyone."

"Well where should we go now?"

"I don't know June."

"Well how about to that house." I said as I pointed to the old delipidated mansion towards the front of the suburban area.

"I suppose we could try it, see if anyone is up there." So we drove on up to the mansion.

It was the biggest house I had ever seen, at one time I'm sure it was beautiful. We got up incline to the top of the hill and parked the car and got out, and before us was a gorgeous well kept court yard with lovely elaborate topiary.

"Wow I wonder who made all of these." I said in awe.

"Hello? June I think I saw someone in there, I'm gonna go inside and see if I can make a sale."

"Alright Mrs. Peg, I'll stay here." I continued to walk around the gardens admiring the topiary and beautiful flowers and luscious green grass, when about five minutes later Mrs. Peg came back but she was not alone. She had a man with her. This mas was tall, handsome, pale, had a full head of messy black hair and the most beautiful chocolate brown eye I had ever seen. But perhaps most strangely he seemed to have various pairs of scissors for hands. 

"June this is Edward." 

"Hello." he said in a small voice while giving me a smile.

"Hello Edward." I said back feeling myself blush.

I let him sit shot gun on the way home, I could tell how exited he was to see all these things that were new to him.

"Wow I guess this is his first time out of that old mansion......gosh he 's gorgeous." I thought to myself as we reached home. We got out of the car and walked inside, Mrs. Peg started showing Edward around the house. His eye fell on some pictures on the mantle of the family, I watched as he noticed a picture of Kim and stared at her. I felt a bit sad seeing this, but he was not my anything so why should I feel that way. Mrs. Peg showed him the rest of the house and we came into Kim's room. Edward looked at himself in her mirror and poke it with one of his blades, seeing what would happen. Mrs. Peg had some close for Edward to put on when the phone interrupted her.

"June would you please help him get those close on!"

"Ok umm.....Edward I know we just met and I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable you think you can handle this by your self?" I asked him.

"I think so." he said quietly.

"Alright, if you need me I will be in the hall." Not 20 seconds later I hear 'June.'

I come in to see Edward all tangled up in the while shirt.

"Would you like some help?"


So I gently pulled the shirt down over his head and button it for him, next I help him slide on the trousers.

"You look great Edward."

"Thank you." he said while smiling at me. All I wanted to do at that moment was give him a hug and peck on the lips but, I knew that wouldn't be right seeing as we just met. Edward raised up one of his hand slightly accidentally scratching himself in the face, causing him to wince in pain.

"Oh, here let me take care of that." I said as I wiped his face with a warm damp cloth, "Here dose it feel better?"

"Yes, thank you June."

"Your welcome Edward."

"Oh he looks fine just fine!" Mrs. Peg exclaims as she comes in the room with us.

Later that night the 5 of us sat down to have dinner(Kim was camping with friends), however Edward was having trouble actually eating.

"Its not polite to stare." Mrs. Peg said to Kevin as his eyes were glued to Edward. Every now and again Edward and I would lock eyes and give each other a smile, that made me feel all warm inside.

"So how's living up there all by your self?" Mr. Bill asked. "I bet you can see all the way to the ocean."

"Sometimes." Edward replied as he continued to struggle to eat.

"Edward would you like some help?" I asked, he nodded and I began to slowly feed him. I didn't mind helping him, I liked it. I knew that I was beginning to fall for him, but I was unsure about he felt and I didn't want to get my hopes up. But that smile, those beautiful brown eyes and his sweet demeanor was so very irresistible.   

After dinner Mrs. Peg showed Edward to Kim's room where he was to stay, I thought it was odd that she would have him sleep there considering that it was a water bed. But I didn't question her, and made my way down stairs to my fold out bed and tried to get some sleep. But I just couldn't fall asleep, I sat up with Edward on my mind. I wondered if he was alright up there alone, oh who was I kidding I loved him. Seeing as I couldn't sleep I walked up stairs to get a glass of warm milk, as I made my way to the kitchen I heard a faint scratching sound coming from Kim's room. I went over to the door and lightly knocked.........

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